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Oct 6, 2011

Martial Arts Dojo


The 5th Limited Time Upgrade Constructed Property is the Martial Arts Dojo. This thing would be pretty cool if we haven't been doing this for the past 4 weeks!
Martial Arts Dojo
Like all the others, you start out with a platform and you have to spam your way to Level 10. There are 7 days to get it done.
The building parts needed for the Martial Arts Dojo are the Treated Lumber, Cordless Drill and Galvanized Steel. You can also ask for "Any Part" from the Home Page.
You can also use the Mission Crew Link Spocklet to post a request on your wall.
As you get enough item, upgrade as quickly as possible so your requests don't get stalled.
As long as you disable auto-posting, the method to request building parts outlined here will work. Jeff Sanford of the {ASS} family got to Level 10 in 27 minutes.
The 10 items you can craft are shown below. I'm glad the top item is a Henchmen and it has pretty good stats along with +3 Attack. This will definitely be included in one of my 5 crafts a day. The Nun Chucks come with +2 Stamina.
There are items in the inventory for a 6th Limited Time Constructed Property and I really hope they cool it with these things after that. It seems there isn't enough room for more.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. let the begging game begin...again...LOL

  2. i'm just starting my dojo while some of my mafia friends are level 7-8-9 already...howd they do that?

  3. it will be easier if you have more than 20 accounts cause that will finish you up

  4. tired of all the begging!

  5. why would you include this as one of your 5 builds? the biker bar top item gives +4 and the original 4 all give at least that. this is only +3 -- i'm not going to bother building it at all.

  6. @shza, I don't really care about my defense stats. I put more into attack and my henchmen score needs improvement.

  7. You know what's sad? I'm on the verge of quitting Mafia Wars but I can't stand to miss out on these "limited time" upgrades. So I'm gonna stay just a few more days....

    Lootlady: your henchmen score will improve over time, so why worry about it? It'll take care of itself.

  8. I followed the instructions with auto publish off and didn't publish anything, and get Link Expired messages. Does that workaround really still work?

  9. I upgraded to level 10 and only published twice... both times posting all four links, from four separate tabs, WITH auto-publishing on. As long as you completely set yourself up in four windows/tabs before clicking "Ask", it still works.


  10. I take a break from all this crazy things. I spend much time begging my friends, loading bookmarklets and my clone crew to finish all that crap they push to us but for that time I'll play some real games and have real fun.

    I'll be around cause of people I met but I give up doing all that things they push to us. I'll not even craft items.

  11. @Nick, that doesn't work for all players. There are many bugs, especially in Chrome. I didn't mention it for this reason. People just get confused if there account has button problems.

  12. You might want to check if buying a second item for RPs works. I built one at level 10, paid 12 RPs for another and it isn't in my inventory :-(

  13. Weird - time for upgarde has gone up by one week


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