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Oct 6, 2011

Group Sale Close Call


Another Group Sale took place in the Marketplace today. The item is a Cloudsurfer and starts out with stats of  57/103. It's made it to the Silver Level so it's current stats are 70/128.
There are now about 3 hours left and it's very questionable if the item will make it to the Gold Level as the last 3 did. No Group Sale item has never reached the Ruby Level.  807 more Cloudsurfers need to be sold if the stats are going to improve. If the failure of the last 3 items wasn't enough to send a message to Zynga, this one should do it.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. One chance to get the item to ruby level is to sell it anonymously - so thy will sell Cloudchaser for 24 hours for 15 RP. And after 24 hours Zynga will state how much items was sold and set the level accordingly.
    The way it is now will not work, because people aren't stupid and they will not pay more to help improve item for someone who paid less.

  2. @Tuo Cha Tea that what I been saying since the 1st one came out, I was on this morning when this so called item came out on bronze, and I didn't see it, they just need to keep it one price and make it last longer than 24 hours, I even put in a ticket saying this but they don't really care, Zynga is growing stupid ever week it seems with stuff like this, I see game ending within a year even for ones who paid if things don't change


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