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Oct 6, 2011

Family Battle Leaderboards


If you are dying to know who is on top of the Family Leaderboard, you'll have to wait. Currently both leaderboards are blank. Now it's even more confusing than ever to tell which is which. I heard they are going to make it more clear for us as the highlighted page is not the visible one at the moment. Let's hope they can do it without messing up the current data.
Speaking of family data, Zynga has yet to respond or offer a solution to the chunk of family statistics that vanished into their black hole. I guess we all need to accept that it's gone and we will never get it back. At least Team Spockholm tracked it so you can see what you lost.  I looks like in a week or so my family will be right back to where we were in the beginning of September. Not cool!!!  For instructions on how to view your missing data, go here.

Thanks to Fiona for noticing the missing leaderboard data.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. Add to this, our family did a one hour skirmish last night (Tuesday, 10/7/2011) around 7:00 PM (EST) that we totally dominated in. We received NO Mastery bonus for that Battle so if families are looking for experience they might want to consider waiting till the board is fixed.

    In Addition, when we did a battle on on Wednesday, 10/6/2011 we DID get the 12.5% Mastery increase but our score was not increased at all. I am not sure how this works but I would have thought if we dominated a battle we would not still have 1,500 points. We gained no points for that one and no points or master on last nights.

    Yeah Zynga might want to consider hiring on some Kindergartners who know how to use an abacus that watched Sesame Street and a couple of elementary students to QA their code changes before they implement them. They will be able to count better, add better and point out oh hey the whole screen disappeared I don't think it is working. Please double check your work.


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