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Oct 6, 2011

Family Boss Fight Rare Items Do Exist


I know most of us think it's impossible to get the rare Family Boss Fight items but the fact is they do drop on the rarest of occasions. The following images are not photoshopped and there are players who have got these items without the aid of Customer Support.  Family Boss Fights have been out for a while now and these are the first images I've seen. I guess this keeps our hopes and dreams alive.
I wonder how long it will take before we see any player get the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.
It is a known fact that the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is extremely rare and it's questioned if they are extinct. It's rather appropriate that this was the item they chose for the new Family Boss Fight.

Thanks to John AndElaine White and Lasse Bager from the Mafia Wars Gods for the screen shots.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. ok but we can not get the street blade anymore. I hope they remove those as i a false hope for 99,999999% of players to get those special items. I think they need to give evryone that in teh 1st place those items and then build down. second place 4 superior, 3rd 3 superior + rare and so on

  2. do you know what was there score on the fight

  3. To see that someone got it only makes it mildly better accepting that I and many others never will.

  4. more chance of winning 1000 RP from doing slots than getting any of these. ¬_¬
    and these may still just be photoshopped or CS tokens for polite and persistent players.

  5. Rumours say that the superiour loot only drops if the boss his rage stays in the first level (under 250) AT ALL TIME from start till end

  6. The rumor about the rage staying at 250 isn't true. The images are not photoshopped. If the items came from Customer Support, the person who got them would not have gotten a popup. CS just adds them to your inventory.

  7. i have 9 of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker. ~Vla

  8. what was your score when you got ivory-billed woodpecker


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