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Oct 6, 2011

Bring Back The Raven Or Pull The Achievement!


The introduction of a new Family Boss has got players bringing up the Raven once again. Many want to know if he is ever going to come back. If not then the Requiescat in Pace Decimus needs to be pulled just like it's counterpart the Requiescat in Pace Centimus was. It's not fair to have an achievement that is unattainable.
Requiescat in Pace Decimus
Speaking of unattainable, now that Jeff The Knife is gone, 99.9% of us will never have a chance to get the Street Blade. I think it's a bunch of bullshit that Zynga claims this item exists yet the only people who have them went to Customer Support and whined about it. If Boss Fight loot isn't going to drop then it shouldn't be advertised on the Boss Fight Rewards Page. It feels like a scam.
Street Blade [200/200]
Maybe the Raven took off on a Street Blade and we will never see either one of them again.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. we'll just wait for the street blade to become giftable but that will take more than a year...lol

  2. Another feature that was shoddily introduced without much thought and is now quietly treated like it never existed. And to think someone there thought "hey, let's immediately add an achievement for defeating him 100 times!". Morons.

  3. Requiescat in Pace Decimus
    fyi , it was attainable , I have it .

  4. Sure you have it... but what was the price?
    Were 300 RP enough?

  5. Yeah, no shit. Lootlady has it too.

  6. lol, best 300 RPs I ever spent. This is a non-issue for me and I don't have to rely on Zynga to bring it back. This only applies to people obsessed with achievements.

  7. Wow Jenny. 300 RP for 1 skill point!
    Even better than those marketplace deals!
    But don't worry... sooner or later we'll all have it... and without spending RP.

  8. @tq, it wasn't the skill point I was after, it was the peace of mind and having it now feels much better than a "sooner or later". Do you think the game will be around long enough for them to bring it back and get enough Ammo to fight him enough times to get it? You'll be waiting a very long time so "sooner or later" is not a guarantee. It wasn't 300 RP, I just used the example from the comments. Even if it was, that's only about $20 or so when they are on sale. I do non-strategic things in the game all the time and this was one of them.


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