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Sep 28, 2011

More On Family Leaderboards


Leave it to Zynga to throw out a new feature and not tell us anything about it. Earlier I posted about the new leaderboards and how to get to them from your game (1).  I didn't know much about it but Eike has looked at the back code and things make a little more sense. Families are ranked in two different leaderboards, The Skirmish and The Battle. What makes this confusing is when you toggle between the two leaderboards, the header on the one you are viewing is dark and the hidden one is highlighted. To view the hidden leaderboard, you need to click on the highlighted header. The back code for Skirmish is named battle_score_short and the Battle is named battle_score_long. From that we can assume that the Skirmish Leaderboard is for the 4 hour Family Battles and the Battle is for the 48 hour Battles. Until Zynga provides us with more information, we don't know how the scores are configured or what this all means.


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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't bet on that though, since there are 1hr battles as well.

    Also, On Skirmish, top score is 4,292 while on battle is 2,061.. So, there's no way that one of them corresponds to a 48hrs battle and the other to a 4 hr battle, or the score difference would have been 12 times greater.

    Finally, by the actual meaning of the words, skirmish is minor to battle, although the scores here indicate higher on skirmish. So... Zynga has to let us know..

    Regards, Panos.


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