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Sep 28, 2011

Customer Support Updates


The layout for the Customer Support page has been changed. The landing page has a new look.
One thing that is confusing is the e-mail option is not visible. You need to click on one of the articles to see it.
Click on "Emil Us" to start your support ticket.
If you are really lucky and Live Chat is available, you will see it on the upper right corner of the Landing Page. Click on the icon to be connected.
They added the statement "If you need support for a game other than Mafia Wars, please close this window and select the appropriate game.". This is probably due to the fact that many players were going the Live Chat feature of other games and asking to be transferred to Mafia Wars. That little work around probably won't fly anymore.
They say the best way to go to the Customer Support Landing Page is to use the link from the Account Drop Bar.
Since the update I've had pretty good luck using the link in the Marketplace. This link is only available for players who have Platinum and Diamond Loyalty Program status. Maybe if there weren't so many bugs, Live Chat wouldn't have to be so elusive.

Thanks to Joe Maher for pointing out the live chat changes on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

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