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Sep 28, 2011

Special Delivery Mission Extension


The Special Delivery Limited Time Mission was introduced on September 22nd. We were given 9 Days and 15 hours to complete it. This put the expiration on Sunday October 2nd.
If you look at the timer today, there are 6 Days and about 14 hours left which now puts expiration on Tuesday October 4th. Was Zynga being nice because they realized this Mission was going to be a challenge for many players in the time allotted or did they not want to deal with adding a new Mission on a Sunday?

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. does that mean we have to do this one, didnt bother with time limit...

  2. The final step is to clear 7 robbing boards, but I still can't rob in Chicago. Are they gonna fix this?

  3. anonymous2, brazil robbing boards count on chicago mission...tried it already...HTH

  4. Jeez, I thought they also tossed us a bone and allowed us to upgrade our sports bar, because I found I could suddenly ask for more parts. I posted the parts requests, but everyone who clicks them gets and "Expired" message. Thanks for jerking me around, Zynga!

  5. You can rob anywhere for the mission, New York, Brazil, wherever!

  6. you don't have to win each robbing either...so save your burners...BUT robbing in Chicago is now open anyway. Yay for the extention, I now only have 6 ices to go to finish :-)



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