Sep 8, 2011

Family Boss Fight Screen Jump Issue


I'm sure many of you have noticed that the Family Boss Fight has a major screen jump issue. Any time you are attacking with stamina and one of your boosts is used, the screen does a little jump of excitement. This wouldn't be a big deal if the attack button wasn't located right under your Ammo. When the screen jumps, you end up clicking on an Ammo item instead of the stamina button. If you have have Ammo, the item will be used and this can mess up any combos you were working on.
If you don't have Ammo items, you will get the annoying buy Ammo option and you have to close it out. If you aren't paying attention you could also end up purchasing these items.
In case the developers are reading, here is a super boring video of what I described above. You will see that 5 of my Rifle Rounds were wasted as I did not intend on using them. None of the Ammo is very powerful on it's own as it's best used in combos. Rifle Rounds are needed in most of the combos and all this screen jumping wastes most of mine.

Until Zynga fixes this issue by relocating the attack button or eliminating the screen jump, there are two things you can do. You can position your mouse as far away from the Ammo items as possible and then pull it back as soon as you make the attack. This will slow things down for you.
The best work around is to use the Family Boss Fighter bookmarklet by Team Spockholm.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Thanks Jennifer for making public this issue ;-) I have wasted many a good rp because of this, not counting all of the good ammo and/or slash parts ;-) BTW any of the best/other combo's were ever found :-)

  2. [MIA] Toruk Makto SezeyƤSeptember 8, 2011 at 11:38 PM

    I learned this I think the 2nd or 3rd go around with Jeff and my group... I place the mouse a few clicks from the bottom and center of the Attack button and when the page drops to show you used an item from so and so who gave it to you, you are still clicking the attack button..

    But overall, there really is no point to go nuts on Jeff... just casual click. I find that if others in your group are active, you tend to hold onto your arson gas can longer cause the hyper clickers are getting there before you do.

  3. I cursed too ;(
    I recommend placing the mouse below the button "Slash Knife" for losses less important.

  4. you really think thats an "Issue" - 1/2 of the game is based on this "unlucky clicks" - get grown up!


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