Aug 15, 2011

This & Next Week 08/12/2011


The Official Mafia Wars Blog finally got around to posting the latest installment of This & Next Week. As usual, they omit things the serious issues and focus on the fluff.  Had they included a major happening of "This Week", the Smuggler's Haven Nerf, it would have looked like this:

Smuggler's Haven Nerf (aka The Bait & Switch)
It was intended to appear as if Santa Clause wrote the code for the Smuggler's Haven experience pay outs.  The Grinch quickly moved in once word got out. Our plan was successful and we made thousands off players who spent Reward Points to get to the Secret District as quickly as possible. Those who did were rewarded and gained hundreds of levels and thousands of skill points. If you missed out, it sucks to be you.

"Next Week" seems a little wimpy. I would never complain about having a light week but we all know how this story will play out. There will be at least 10 more things released that aren't listed here.

Coming Next Week

Secret District: Smuggler's Haven
This timed Secret District in Brazil contains 9 new jobs to complete before 4pm on 8/30. It will automatically unlock on Tuesday, 8/16.
Translation: Those players who refused to give up the Reward Points to finish the Mission, will get to explore the Secret District. Keep in mind it will take you twice as long because there is no more serial leveling on our dime. 

New Mission Event: To Smuggle A Mockingbird

You are hired to smuggle a rare bird to a rich client, but getting it will be a chore. Keep it secret, keep it quiet in this Mission Event set in the new Brazil Secret District: Smuggler's Haven!
Translation: Yeah we are running out of ideas. Who cares about a bird? Once we nerfed the experience/energy ratios, we noticed many of you just stopped going to our Secret District.  We don't like it when you ignore our features so this Mission is designed to force you to participate.

Epic Family Boss Fights

Some epic bosses are on their way and it's going to take the collaborative strength of your family to defeat them!
Translation:  Come on people. How much more crap do we have to throw your way in order to get you to join or create a Family. Most of you are still trying to figure out the Family Progression feature but we are going to add another confusing component just for kicks. We are famous for f'ing up Boss Fights and this will one will go down in infamy. To spice it up we will add Family Ammo and claim it drops in jobs, fights and robs. Together, your Family will figure out that the only way to beat these "Epic Bosses" is to spend Reward Points. We can't wait to see all of the Epic Fail jokes and  will be laughing at them all the way to the bank.
*As far as currently scheduled, but things can change.

They also ask that we take a quick survey about the Gold Mystery Bags that were around for a few days. Go here to take it. NEW FLASH TO ZYNGA!!!:  Anything that requires minimal effort and pays out skill points and loot that actually helps your scores will be liked by all. Seriously!? Do you really need matrices to figure this brain child out? Why waste resources as well as your players time? I think we have better things to do.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. When are they going to fix the wars so that people who dont use war scripts can get in them. been checking people that are helping in others wars that i cant get in and most have 30-100 thousand war assist. Cant contact zynga because the chat is never up. please write about this so others can be award and if they copy and paste there wars the cheaters cant get in.

  2. I agree completely with the 1st post. It is absolutely ridiculous that Zynga hasn't addressed the War Bot issue. Honest players cannot get in on a war! This is a joke and is ruining the game. Shame on you, Zynga, for letting this go on so long!

  3. You may have to do like we have been. That is not posting the war but copying the link location and sharing it only with your family/group. It's been working for us. The botts/scripts can not get to it then. Hope it works for you. :)

  4. I agree with the post above me. We copy the link off the posting message & then DO NOT post it to your wall. Our clan uses our family FB to share the war links.

  5. we get around the Bots by doing wishlist wars, post your wishlist tell your friends and have a War but don't post the war. They can get in through your wishlist, as it has a help in war option when u have a war.


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