Aug 15, 2011

Weekly Timer Fixed But Flawed


Zynga finally got around to resetting the weekly timer for the Family Progression feature. The good news is you can start doing task to help your Family inch it's way to the next Perk. The bad news is you won't have enough time to craft 32 items from your New York properties. This is one of the main reasons you should hate the weekly timer and be jealous of those with the daily timer. You just missed a day even though you have a week to get everything done.  Only players who use Reward Points to speed up their crafting timers will be able to contribute Family experience points towards progression. If you have the weekly timer and this pisses you off or you have the daily timer and you fear Zynga will convert it, go to and join the 571 other players who have "liked" this topic. The Daily Timer must prevail to make the Family Progression feature something enjoyable.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. we didn't have enough time last week also, my timer started at 4 days 12 hours...

  2. last time i got gold without having spending RPs even though had 5 days... u can still achieve gold if u're craft in 18hrs..

  3. it seems to me the timer isn't fixed at all. when we got it the first time it read 6 days but reset after 7. when it reset it once again says 6 days but i am willing to bet it will reset after 7 again. in other words it is probably a minor display glitch that zynga will probably never get around to fixing.

  4. in fact just need to craft 7 times to get 420 points got gold (if done at the same time for 4 lvl 15 properties)
    Need 7 times to craft for level 15 property to achieve gold (for each property)
    Bronze (35): achieved on 1st Craft
    Silver (105): achieved on 3rd craft (25 carried over from 1st craft + 60 from 2nd craft + 20 from 3rd)
    Gold (280): achieved on 7th craft (40 carried over from 3rd +60+60+60+60)

    Just need to be craft in 18hrs

  5. Hi
    just thought I should say something here.
    Craft every 18 hours x 8 (32 crafts) = 144 hours or 6 days.Theres 168 hours in 7 days.The only problem is when our "weekly" timer reset today it only gave us 6 days.If it did give us 7 days we could do it.

  6. I was under the impression the Family Progresses as we do the various jobs. Does the Family Progression only move when the players collect the XP i.e if NO player collects XP the Family Meter stands still, although they've done the jobs to gold?

  7. You keep forgetting that the timer for crafting weapons, armor, vehicles & animals are 18 hours! That makes the week-timer better since you actually can finish the family-actions early and enjoy the weekend just checking in for a quick check! Also, with a daily reset, those of us who want to get the ice season done as soon as possible would waste the surplus-ices or be forced to divide it equally in the week!

    I'm sorry, but I do NOT support the daily timer!

  8. I finished to gold without RP last week...but I'm unemployed and could hit the properties every 18 hours. When I am employed and working my 10-12 hours a day again, that won't be possible.
    If I were a cynical person, I'd say that the "glitch" to shorten up the week was planned to make sure most people didn't have time to finish and would use RPs to do so. I'm sure Zynga would never do that though, right? Right??


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