Jul 22, 2011

Out of Control Events


It should have been a clue to Zynga that there are too many events when they had devote time to remove the Stamina Pack Page on the Current Event Module, condense it and and move it over to the Ad Page.
They sure forgot to add a lot of this stuff on the last installment of This & Next Week.
My energy account has 10 pages on the Current Events Module. I think this is a bit too much. I can't imagine new players trying to figure out the game plus all this crap on top of it. 
No wonder there isn't any growth and the Application Metrics look the way they do.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I only have 8 pages to click through. Refill Stamina isn't one of the pages being offered in my Current Events Module, neither is the T-shirt design page.

  2. To Zynga: MORE EVENTS = LESS PLAYERS - If you want to retain your player base (and attract new players), please keep the game simple and understandable (I especially can't understand some of the ridiculous events forcing people to buy RP to complete) and STOP CREATING SO MUCH EVENTS.
    It's better if there is a minority of elite players (who have finished everything) who get bored rather than having them occupied (and feed Zynga with RP purchases) in expense of a majority of everyone else get overwhelmed and pissed off by those ridiculous events.

  3. Last week, More than 10 of my mafia quit the game due to the difficulty of the "Ice Season" event. This week, another 6 of my friends quit. I can undertand making some tasks difficult but nearly impossible? Zynga is really showing it's true color-- That they don't really give a f__k, as long as they can force whatever they can do to trick players to be gullible enough to buy RP's. I personally considered quitting this game for good just this week but decided to stretch my patience just a little while longer. I have made the mistake of purchasing RP's before. A mistake that will never happen again. I pity those who have spent fortunes on this game. Just think of the better (more meaningful and tangible) things you could have bought or how much help (e.g. food/clothes/monetary donations) you could've extendeded to the less fortunate. Zynga is like Lucifer tempting us to into this game which has become a very negative addiction. We spend less time with real life, waste away money whether or not we could afford it (lining up their greedy pockets)-- for what-- to think we are somebody in a virtual game (full of programing issues and that redundant "Our developers are looking into it" BS) that could (or more appropriately, "will") end up nowhere eventually. To those who were suckered in to splurging all that dough, well, it is your money and of course, you may spend it however you damn well please. But in truth, look at yourself and see what you have become as a result of playing this game... Whilst it is fun, ask yourself-- Have you stepped out of bounds or control? Bragging that you're such a strong player? I see Mafia Wars related groups, war pages full of people who brag that they iced this or that, end going to war with each other or whatever not for the sake of fun but for the sake of their stupid prides. What happened to social gaming and friendships? Hello?? After all is said and done, all the money you've given to this greedy company called Zynga won't buy you true respect. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  4. I remember those days when events are created for special dates like hallowen/chrismas.Now are events for everyting.What happened with mafia wars? where are the old and great mafia wars? i want the old mafia wars no the new one zynga!

  5. Dear Zynga -

    Brazil Ruby Loot: Spent 3000 energy and only got one item. Didn't waste any more time and energy on it.

    Raven: Got him once, spent 2500 stamina trying to get loot to drop and didn't get enough stuff to beat him. Not trying again.

    Ice Seasons: Fought my butt off to make it the first time. If I get any more as part of normal game play, great - but I'm not going to put any more extra effort into it.

    Ties that Bind mission - too many delays waiting for properties to get ready and such, and too much energy required doing jobs I've already mastered. Forget it.

    Big Heist - tried it a few times. Robbing success is down 30% from what I get robbing normally, and XP to Stamina ratio is pitiful. Not going to bother with it again.

    Italian Jobs: Already finished Italy, but still haven't finished new Brazil regions, so probably not going to bother with redoing things I've already done.

    Most of these things take all the fun out of the game and turn it into work; that's not what I play for.

    - just an average daily player.

  6. LOL, there will never again be growth in MW players, just deal with it, MW while being a fun game and all (I still play it) is just getting replaced by newer games, a even Zynga itself and the games on facebook are getting replaced by other statistics, heck, even facebook itself is getting replaced by google+, that's just the way life goes, but don't worry, as long as there are hard credit players out there MW will survive...


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