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Jul 22, 2011

The Italian Jobs Event


Because one new event on a Friday while there are still plenty of on going events isn't enough, Zynga gave us The Italian Jobs Event. Starting now and ending on July 26th, you will get 3X mastery for doing all jobs in Italy.
A new loot item called the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird will also drop while doing jobs.  With stats of 86/86, this will change the value (as far as the increase in attack score for replacing your lowest attack item) of the Cheetah from the Fight Club. The Cheetah has +20 on the Talon but only +13 on the Hummingbird. This is making the Hellion (100/63) look like a better purchase as it has +14 on the second best item which is the Hangman (86/48). If you have enough Victory Coins to max on it all then the Hummingbirds won't help you so it doesn't matter.
I ruby mastered all of my Italian jobs a long time ago but Zynga decided to unmaster one of them for me. I checked other accounts and this just seems to be a bug.
It worked out for me because I can see the 3X Mastery applied and I got one of the loot items.
I tried several different jobs and the drop rate on this thing seems to be pretty decent.
The draw back of using energy on jobs in Italy is the experience/energy ratios suck. The best job I found in District 8 that did not require consumables or Lira is "Set A Trap For Di Rossi's Capo". All you're gonna get is a 1.8982 ratio.
I haven't seen a Hummingbird drop but the 3X Mastery works in stamina jobs. I used over 18K stamina and not one Hummingbird dropped.
It doesn't matter what level you are in mastery for the Hummingbirds drop.
Here are some small drop rates of the job above and the cheapest job in Italy. The Hummingbirds don't show up on Repeat Job but I started with zero and ended up with 343 after spending 353,690 energy. This is a great drop rate, about one per 1000 energy.
Doing a lower energy job cost a little more per item. 8,008 energy was spent to get 7 Hummingbirds. But a cost of 1,114 energy per item is still pretty good.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Thank you so much for this detailed analysis! Sure appreciate all of the information you provide! ;) Thanks again!

  2. does this work for stamina jobs?

  3. Since when is 99 less than 86? :) The cheetah has a 99 attack but only a 65 defense and we already know the barn owl has a 98 defense. :)

    So unless you are thinking about the 79 attack of the Talon, the Hummingbird is a nice to have item.

  4. @anonymous #2, yes, I updated the post to show that.
    @anonymous #3, 99 is not less than 86 but if you have limited VC's then you want to buy the items that will improve your score the most which is no longer the Cheetah for attack. I made an edit to explain that better.

  5. Procure A Roman Sewer Map -job was also "de-rubyed" for me also... I think everyone who finished Italy should check all their Italy jobs... I think Zynga played a joke on us...

  6. I dont knw y this. But some of my buddies gettng loot items or got many ruby level lot items like raining n sm hardly manged to gt even 1 each. Y so????

  7. Sure the XP's are 3x, but the cash received is not. This makes it hard for someone to do more jobs.

  8. The job: Show A Business Owner Who's In Charge in Napoli requires no consumables and has an exp:energy ratio of 1.94:1


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