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Jun 24, 2011

Shotgun Blast Nerf #2 & Ammo Changes


The last time I reviewed Boss Fight consumables and the drop rates was on June 16th (1). Shotgun Blasts received their first nerf 8 days ago when news feed posts offered 1 instead of 2 (1). Shotgun Blasts have been nerfed again and now they do way less damage.

Damage +335/+337
Damage: +102/+104
Bloody Knuckles now do more damage which is great if you can get them drop while fighting!
Knife Slashes and Cracks of the Bat remain unchanged.

Thanks to Kirk for asking about this on the Mafia War Loot Lady Fan Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. if its not nerf its a rip off...zynga you suck!!!

  2. I thought it was a bug the past day while trying to take down the final level. What type of nonsense is this? Leave it up to Zynga to fix something that's not broke! The knuckles didnt drop at all after using 800+ stamina. No wonder you have 6 days to finish. I won't be doing the fights anymore w/this change too much useless collecting for minimal damage.

  3. Zynga and you never stop to think why people leave the game? It's because of you doing this type of nerfing everytime...LOL! Like it's a powerfull weapon or something that will level me up faster! LMAO!


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