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Jun 8, 2011

New Fight Loot Drop Rates


Earlier toady, I told you about the new fight loot that was introduced into the game (1). Eventually Zynga got around to telling us in the game with a big Home Page Module to advertise the new Fight Module.
At first the new loot seemed cool but upon second look, it's really not. Of the four new items, only two are better than any other fighting or job loot.
It's great to have new loot with good stats but it sucks that they are replacing two of the last batch of new fighting loot. The Fearsome Flying Fortress is a defense vehicle that replaces the Slipstream and the Femme Shot is an attack armor that replaces the Windswept. Thanks to Nagy Attila for the cool screen shot.
The last two items may help some players but it would have been a lot better if their stats could have help everybody. The Gun Barge hasn't even started dropping in fights or robs and I personally could care less if they fix it. In fact, I would prefer that they don't.
As stated in the previous post, these items (minus the Gun Barge) drop in both fighting and robbing. You get them when you clear robbing boards in any destination.
You will also see them drop in individual robberies. thanks to Jason and Paul Rugg for the screen shots.
I did similar robbing runs in New York and Brazil one thing is certain, the drop rates of the new fight loot suck. I found New York was much better and the exp/stamina ratio makes it a no brainer as to where one should rob. My exp/stamina ratio in new York was 2.65 and only 1.91 in Brazil.

New York
Stamina: 8,915, Items: 18
Stamina: 8,965, Items: 9
Fighting was a little trickier to document since there is no fighting script available. I burned through my stamina pool of 4,809 in New York and Brazil then used the Inventory History bookmarklet by Team Spockholm to track my results. I can tell you it wasn't fun and took a long time to do. 4,809 stamina got me 21 items in Brazil and 15 items in New York.
Since I took the time to fight manually in both Brazil and New York, I compared my results using the Stats History bookmarklet. My overall attack and defense scores went up more in Brazil but I got a lot more Victory Coins and ices in new York. I'll probably fight in Brazil until I max out on the new loot but I'll be robbing until there is a fighting script.
(click image to enlarge)
Like with all other fight loot, you will get the new items in Las Vegas Tournaments and fight Secret Stashes. Thanks to Abbas for the screen shot.
I haven't seen a screen shot yet for a Secret stash. I tried to get one but all my Secret Stashes say the same thing. Are they ever going to fix that? You would think they would just do away with this feature all together since it's been broke for over a year.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

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