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Jun 7, 2011

New Fight Loot


My most recent snaphot on the Inventory History bookmarklet showed 4 new items were added to our inventories. All 4 items say "from Fighting" so it's possible this could be the next round of High End Fighting Loot. 2 of the items don't have very good stats.
Here is a closer look at each of the new items.
If you click on your fighting rewards, you will see that 2 items are rare, 1 is uncommon and 1 is common. I don't get the point of adding uncommon and common items as there is no incentive to collect 500 or them. Hopefully we will have a automated fighting tool soon so I can determine the drop rates.
The loot items will drop from robs as well so I should have something out on that soon. Thanks to Anthony for the screen shot.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. loot drop log not working in brawler eithor

  2. I ended up getting a beluga, 2 flying fortresses, and a femme shot for clearing robbing boards just now.

  3. New loot dropping from Robbing as well.

  4. is it me or does femme shot looks like trinity from matrix movie ?

  5. They'd be great if they were Attack Weapon and Defense Armor; as it is they're redundant with prior FHEL and only worth a +3 ATK or +2 DEF if you are maxed on FHEL5. Zynga fail!

  6. I have not received any loot drops and I've just completed 3000 + fights

  7. I got a femme shot from robbing today


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