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Jun 7, 2011

Brawler Status


While searching the Mafia Task Force Forums, I saw this post by gxgxgx. Apparently Brawler v4.5 does work with the new Fight Module. Regardless of what the logs say, it will fight.
I decided to put this to the test and ran through my entire stamina pool of 4,809. Since I knew the logs wouldn't work, I ran a Stats History and Inventory History before the run.
I let Brawler go in Brazil and waited until I ran out of stamina. There were many hang up and I frequently got weird error codes but my stamina was being utilized.
You can see by the time I ran out of stamina that nothing was logged and there were many session time outs in the log. During the run, I could see Brawler was doing ice checks, targets were being attacked and my character was being healed. It looked like it would attack one target and then move on to the next. The run took quite some time and I had to restart it several times.

When the run was finished, I did another Stats History and Inventory History and was surprised by the results. So much so that I did a second run to verify my results. You can see from my Inventory History that I got some loot. Not as much as you would normally get but I was surprised to see +31 Ferry Passes as that indicated I iced some targets during the run.
My Stats History results showed that I had 35 ices and 1 kill. That's actually more than I would expect but not as many players are fighting right now.
I didn't do so well on Victory Coins but I was fighting in Brazil. It's impossible to tell from Stats History the number of fights you won and lost from the run because the results also include attacks that other players made on you.
This isn't an ideal way to burn your stamina but if you want to do it by fighting and you don't want to deal with all the clicking, it's an alternative. Frogi, on of my mafia members, decided to become a robber instead of a fighter. He tracked his play for awhile and this is how he did. Until Brawler is updated, I'm probably going to stick to robbing.

I will let you know as soon as the updated version of Brawler is out.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Isn't using that cheating? Doesn't really seem fair to me! IMHO

  2. brawler hangs a lot since the changes refuses to load pages etc have to reload frequently

  3. http://unlockedmw.com/?page_id=5

    That brawler WILL work with the new fight page. and doesnt unframe you to use it... at least not on Chrome.. i havent tried FF as i don't like FF. But FF does require Greasemonkey.

  4. Oh yeah .. theres a Video Tutorial to show the other features... such as Stammy attack mode.

  5. we got new items from Fighting
    Fearsome Flying Fortress (A:47 D:80) from Fighting
    Femme Shot (A:81 D:45) from Fighting
    Beluga (A:69 D:45) from Fighting
    Gun Barge (A:50 D:36) from Fighting

  6. How about the new Boosts on the Free Gifts page? any clues what for yet?

  7. brawlers for pussys :)

  8. 4 people with more of a life than clicking few thousand times and healing over and over

  9. Any News On Whether Or Not Brawler Works Yet?


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