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Jun 8, 2011

Surveillance Camera Bug


Surveillance Cameras are robbing boosts that give you a +154 defense whenever you are robbed.
Today, many players noticed that they are being utilized when robbing instead of defending. Omohit sent me the following screen shot and you can see a Surveillance Camera was used in each robbery. Who would bring their own camera to a robbery anyways? That's something you definitely don't want on tape!
He also took before ans after screen shots of his Surveillance Cameras after robbing some properties to rule out a display error and they were utilized during the rob. There were some problems with robbing earlier so maybe this will be corrected soon. Personally I would prefer that all my boosts be available for initiating robberies. Boosts aren't any fun if you can't see them being utilized. They should at least mention they were used in the Player Updates or somewhere. A fighting and robbing log that only lists attacks and robs against you would be really cool. Especially if we had control when the list was cleared.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Happened with me aswell

  2. Not only Surveillance Camera.. Robbing is utilizing every Robbing Defense boost.

  3. Also had the problem and as Shaun said, it's using other Robbing Defense boosts too. Now it's using Bottles of Wine.

  4. If i had 32k cameras i wouldn't give a **** where they were going lol lol

  5. I've had this same problem with the wine and the cameras being used but from the screen shot Omohit took it looks like Zynga took an extra camera since it was 10 less cameras and only 9 properties to rob...????

  6. It's nice to see how quick Zinga fix the "Precious collection" glitch and sad to see how lazy for the "cameras" glitch. Not all player get "precious" :( and guess a lot loose they boosts :( for trying get the collection...

  7. trying to level up on robbing yesterday and today. All my many cameras and robbing boosts were gobbled up!


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