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Jun 12, 2011

Current Families List


One problem a lot of players are addressing about the new Family Module is there isn't a way to view all of the Families who have registered. If you aren't yet in a Family, you can view a page that contains a list of about 30 Families. If you are a member of a Family, there is no list of active Families to view.
There is a list in the back code of the game and Team Spockholm is working on a bookmarklet to utilize it. Once the bookmarklet is complete, it will function much like the bookmarklets that take snapshots (Inventory History, Mafia Manager, Stats Manager) and provide useful information and have sorting features. Here is a sneak peek.
The following list was generated earlier today and there were a total of 2,840 Families. To view the last run, go here. You can get to any Family Page by clicking on the links in the spreadsheet. It is suggested that Families who find that their tag has been stolen, submit a Customer Support ticket. Zynga is currently working on a way to resolve name disputes.

Many thanks to Team Spockholm for letting me use the tool to generate the list and to Mike Nestor for creating the cool spreadsheet so it could be shared.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. How can I leave a family I joined?

  2. Sorry, just saw your post about this!

  3. Jen - in the last few days you Posted a comment re the action to be taken if someone/some Group 'steals' your Clan Tag. Could you point me to the Post

  4. List not publicly available from Google Docs any more?


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