Jun 2, 2011

Brazil Crew Changes


When Brazil initially launched and we were introduced to the concept of the Brazil Crew bonuses, we all had 8 positions in our queue and 18 hour timers on bonus activation intervals (1).
On April 4th, I told you about a little experiment Zynga started with the Brazil Crew feature (1). They gave different accounts different numbers of Brazil Crew queue slots and different timers. Players either had 16, 12 or 8 holding positions in their queue.
And a 18, 12 or 8 hour timer between Brazil Bonuses.
Today it appears this is changing for a lot of players. I used to have a 12 position queue and a 12 hour timer. Today it was changed to 16 and 8. I suspect that everyone will eventually get the 16 position and the 8 hour timer. That seems to be the majority of what people have at the moment. Perhaps they are on a slow roll with this.
Back in March, I explained that there were two different ways to generate a news feed request to fill your queue (well 3 if you count using the Spockholm bookmarklets) (1). Depending on your account, you had to either click the "Ask" button or the "Recruit" button. It was about 50/50.
I got several e-mails and some posts on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page stating that players were unable to generate their Brazil Crew Requests. It looks like they changed it so all players generate feed requests the same way. The "Ask" button no longer generates feed requests and you need to use the "Recruit" button. It takes an extra click to get there as you need to click on the the little tiny down arrow first.
Click 1
Click 2
Click 3

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. be nice if they do sort it as I have 8 slots and a 12 hour timer,also now have to manually select crew instead of being able to post request.wish they would stop 'fixing'things!

  2. not being able to ask on your own wall makes if more difficult for some people to get members. seems like aLLOT OF PEOPLE DO NOT RESPOND TO THE REQUESTS SENT for 1 reason or another. i know many times myself i answered A REQUEST ONLY TO FIND OUT ALL THE SLOTS HAVE BEEN FILLED. FOR THAT REASON I LIKED IT WHEN YOU COULD RECUITE AND ASK SO ALL SLOTS CAN BE FILLED

  3. I had (I haven't checked today) a 12 position queue and an 8 hour timer.

  4. Funny this should happen AT THE SAME TIME as my looting from fighting in Brazil changed from X5 to X1!!! I had 16 spots and 8hrs beforehand so I suspect this is the work of the ZYNGA MAFIA who are attmpting to destroy all other mafias and take over the world!!! Alternatively they're just a bit THICK!!!!


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