Mar 23, 2011

Crew Request Reversal?


In both of these posts, I told you how to use the two different ways to get players to join your Brazil Crew (1),(2). You could "Ask" to generate a generic newsfeed post or your could "Recruit" to send requests to individual members. For some unknown reason, the roles are reversed on some accounts. You have to "Ask" to send individual requests and "Recruit" to generate your news feed post. Bottom line is we all want the news feed post as it's faster and beats using your Facebook requests. It doesn't matter who fills your crew slots, a warm body or fake picture is all that's needed. Please comment here or on the fan page as to which button you need to click to generate your Facebook news feed request.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. my button for the facebook
    news feed is the ask button

  2. I got the ask button

  3. my recruit = post to news feed and Ask = sending to individual mafia members..i select.

  4. ask - news feed
    recruit - requests

  5. recruit = news feed
    ask = send invite

  6. recruit - send invite

  7. Ask news Feed.

  8. recruit - news feed

  9. dosent matter what i click
    first click = invite
    second click = news feed

  10. I have to recruit

  11. recruit to post newsfeed
    ask to invite

  12. My ask button posts to my feed. My mafia is pretty big, so my qeueue fills up quickly. I've never used the recruit button.

  13. recruit button to post on the wall, ask button takes me to individual invites

  14. I have 2 accoounts, and they are opposite of each other

  15. recruit - newsfeed
    ask - requests

  16. What's the time limit between newsfeed posts (whichever button it is on the particular account)? Have heard both 18 and 24 hours, anyone know for sure?

  17. Guys, i have noticed that when i send a request to my 'second account' and accept, nearly 5-7 days have passed and my secondary account CANNOT re-enter the queue. WTF, help lootlady

  18. Mine :

    Recruit -> Facebook Newsfeed
    Ask -> Individual request.

    I don't know if it is related, but FYI I have Mini Energy Pack, but I don't have the bonus to share when I level up.


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