Mar 15, 2011

Brazil Crew Explained


I mentioned the Brazil Crew pop-up when I first accessed Brazil. Now that I understand it some more, I have something to write about. We need to ask our mafia to join our crew. This involves spam and it's the same as using the free gift system.
One a mafia member joins your crew, you get the following boosts. There are 8 total and the do all different types of things.
You will find requests on your Zynga Message Center and your Facebook request page.
When you accept, you are told that you have been added to the friends queue. This is because there is a time limit on each boost and someone will stay there until the timer runs out.
Here are the 8 different positions and boosts you can recruit for. The recruit bar is located on top of your job, fight, robbing and property pages.
To get your queue full, ask your mafia to help via your news feeds.
Once your queue is full, you can double click on the green plus signs and a mafia member in your crew will automatically be added.
You can keep an eye on your queue by double click on it and it will show how many are waiting.
Click Recruit to ask specific members to join.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Geez can't we do a city without all the spamming. God I would have to spend more time cleaning out my requests because people are going to spam the hell out of me. I don't do so I could care less. I'll go back to playing my farm..

  2. Hmmm, does the double attack person double your whole attack or just your personal attack?

  3. The double attack is your base attack skill points, I am 2950 attack so im guessing it gave me almost 6/k attack, i didnt lose a fight while this bonus was active.

  4. imo, its good for hitlist kill in Brazil

  5. Different people might do different things mine were totally different

  6. If unsatisfied with crew can I delete and add someone else?


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