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Jun 23, 2011

Assassin-a-Nator Updates


In the blink of an eye, the Assassin-a-Nator went from version 0.22 to 0.25. Team Spockholm is working hard to make improvements and implementing ideas and suggestions from fans on the and the Spockholm Mafia Tools Fan Page and User Echo Site. These are just the recent updates. For a more detailed analysis and complete instructions on how to use the Assassin-a-Nator, go here.

Configuration Button
One thing that many players want is the ability to heal in other destinations besides New York. At this time, that is not an option.  When you click on the "Config" button, you will see a settings option for "Heal city". For now, New York is all you get but Team Spockholm is working on adding the other destinations. You can set your threshold to heal in this spot. The default is 50 but that can be adjusted.
For those players who want to use the Assassin-a-Nator but don't want to spend their New York cash, there is now a work around. Click on "New York" from the configuration settings and healing will be disabled.
When your health gets below the threshold that you set, the Assassin-a-Nator will stop. At this point you will need to travel and heal manually. Attacking won't resume until you click the "Start" button.
There is a hard coded setting to skip iced targets on the fightlist. This is what the Assassin-a-Nator does. Nothing will happen when you click on the "Skip Iced" button and it is mainly there so players know that is the intention.
The Assassin-a-Nator has the same issue that you do when you manually attacking. Targets are often listed as alive, but when you attack them you find they are already iced. This happens when targets get iced after the fightlist is loaded. Just because you often see this, doesn't mean the Assassin-a-Nator up and decided to attack iced targets. This is something that Zynga needs to figure out how to prevent and I don't think that will happen anytime soon.

Family ID Filter
3 days ago, I went over the name and Family filters that were added to the Assassin-a-Nator (1). To filter out a Family by link was somewhat of a process requiring a second bookmarklet. That is no longer needed as a link is now provided for easy filtering.  To filter out a Family that has registered with the new Family Module, go to their page and click on the "Copy (beta!)" button.
Now open up the filter and click on "Add link" located under the Family ID filter.
Paste the Family profile link into the popup and select "OK".
The Family ID# will magically appear and you won't have to worry about the Assassin-a-Nator attacking members of the Family you want to avoid.

If you lose to a target, the Assassin-a-Nator will put them on the Back List. If target on the Blacklist reappear, they will not be attacked. At this time, the list will only apply to your current run. Earlier in the day, there was an issue with targets meant for revenge attacks being added to the list. That has been fixed and now only targets you lose to will be added to the Black List. You will see them in the action log.

Your overall equipment attack and defense strength will now be visible at all times. In the previous version, these only appeared if you acquired loot that would improve them.

Loot Log

The loot log now lists the quantity of each item that you own.

Ices on the Assassin-a-Nator just got cooler. You can see the annoying red X that we see on the fightlist has been added to action log entries after you ice them. I like seeing the red X when I was the one who iced the target.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Was wondering if alyone else was seeing this issue with the script. It doesn't seem to count my spent stamina correctly. I have 2700 stamina and if I do a full run after I level, It will run out of stamina and say I used about 2400. My exp/stamina will be close to 3 so it looks like the exp part is correct. The bottom line is that it doesn't appear to affect the game but the stats look funky.

  2. I am still hoping for the option to choose eXPerience NEEDed to Level number. 100 is too low for me & has caused me to level when I did not want to. I was unable to do the JOB that I planned for to carry XP over into the next level before somebody attacked me blindly & caused enough XP points to level me up. This has happened to me more than once.

    I have requested this on the echo server & hope that the Spockholm team can address this soon. I, now, have to monitor my runs to prevent unintentional level ups.

    Otherwise I love the AaN & especially love the addition of the quantity of owned loot.

    ~ DViz Nana ~

  3. nice improvements and... is the "Stop before level up" new between 0.22 & 0.24?
    It might be me, but I find the red type a little hard to read, especially the "killed" stat. Can only think of neon purple to suggest as an alternative though.
    Love the addition of the numbers owned of each item. And another new thing is in the sort options... Sort by From, which I'd been wishing for.
    Thanks heaps Spockholm boys.

  4. The following is an example of why I need to be able to choose what number to have AaN stop at for eXPerience to level:

    You were attacked 51 times by: {RDD} Speedy
    You won the fights, taking 540 damage and dealing 855 damage to your enemy. You gained 530 experience points.

    The hardwired 100 points is absolutely too low for me. Please un-hardwire this, I am begging

    ~ DViz Nana ~

  5. What does this mean?

    [13:27] Skipping Mickey "The Bull" Gravano because of blacklist.
    [13:27] Ice stolen by Mickey "The Bull" Gravano!

    What is the blacklist and how did this person get listed that he does not get attacked?

  6. Will there every be an option to post Ices on wall?

  7. The problem with attacking players allready iced is nothing that Zynga could or should fix, it's the reason why we want a "reload fightlist after fighting X targets"

    And that option would also improve performance dramatically!

  8. What is the missing loot??did a little run in Italy,well my loot didn't show right, only show 1. so did in another city.

    Strength:1xxx (+96) 1xxxx (+30)
    Sort by active
    ×1 Femme Shot [81A 45D] (5.0%)
    ×1 Car Part (5.0%)

  9. How do i get this to work. im using fire fox. I used it for a long time and now i just got back onto playing again and cant get it to work after i unframe the page.


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