May 31, 2011

Stats History by Team Spockholm


Many Mafia Wars players enjoy reviewing their stats. Zynga provides some overall stats on the Profile Page and Fight Page but they are a total from the day you started playing. It would be really cool to get these stats from each playing session. Team Spockholm has the solution for tracking 10 of the states highlighted below.
The Stats History bookmarklet will document and display stats for any time interval you choose. It will also put all of your data points into graph form.
To start tracking your own personal stats today, follow the instructions below.

1. Go to the Spockholm Mafia Tools Beta Page and locate the Stats History bookmarklet.
2. Click, drag and drop Stats History into your bookmarklet toolbar.
3.  Go to your Mafia Wars game and from any page click on Stats History (now in your bookmark toolbar) once to unframe the game. Click on Stats History a second time to activate the program. There won't be much excitement the first time you use as it will only show a blank graph and list your baseline stats.
4. Go play some Mafia Wars and repeat step 3 (disregard unframing if you played unframed). Now your stats can be compared from your last session and will be listed at the bottom and a graph for each stat can be obtained. There are 3 data points on the example below because I ran it again before I actually played.
The graphs start to look cooler once you have more data points. Eike has been running his for the past 11 days and you can see there are many data points on his Level and overall Mafia Defense Strength graphs.
5. Look at the bottom of the script to view all of your data for each session in written form.
Look above the graph and click on the "Draw Chart" link of your choice to view your data in chart form.
I did a few Brawler runs and was able to see how many ices I got by using this tool. The popups from the Put 'Em Ice Event have caused a ice logging problem with Brawler. This was the perfect solution around it.
Being able to check on your overall equipment attack and defense strength will also come in handy when players start reporting they have lost points. Usually when that happens, I don't recall what my scores were so it's impossible to check. I gifted away some items that contribute to my attack strength and Stats History captured the lose of 1,526 points
Stats History won't tell you what was taken away from your inventory to cause the decrease but you can run Inventory History to find out. This will come in handy when hackers break into your account and steal your loot or some glitch on Zynga's end sucks your loot into a black hole.
Zynga developers aren't the only team who update like crazy. If you wonder why all the images above have a "Help" button but you don't see it on your script, it's because it's still in the works. More stats will be added soon. If you want to recommend ideas for new stats or have questions/problems visit the Spockholm User Echo.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. this is epically awesome! More numbers to sit and dissect while mwap churns along. :P

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. OMG,what's with all the hate for this woman? If you don't like what she says, DON'T VISIT THE PAGE!

  4. LOL, nice try Anonymous. Is posting what you think is my address and phone number a means to hope some hater finds me and kills me. I think I'm a little smarter than that. If you knew my real last name you would have a chance.

  5. Obviously some fool who dont appreciate all the help that your page gives to all and expects nothing in return

  6. Good thing we are Mafia Jen. You ust advertised your stats and I can ICE you :P.

  7. omg lootlady isnt her real name. its rumpelstiltskin


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