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May 11, 2011

A New Facebook Scam


There is a new Facebook scam going around and this time it seems to come from people with iPhones.  If you see this, DO NOT click on the link. It goes directly to some javascript stuff, that can do whatever it wants with your account. This is basically the same as letting a hacker sit at your computer.

I am not sure what it does, and I really don't want to try it, but if you accidentally clicked, the following advice should prevent further damage:
- Log off Facebook immediately. The hacker will have captured your running session, so end it soon. Do not only close the page, but use the Log out function from Facebook.
- Log back in, and change your password.
- If you use the same password for Facebook and email (not a good idea!), change your email-password too!
- Go to your Account Security settings and end any activity of an unfamiliar device.
This is distributing fast, some people tons of requests within a short time frame. Don't click on the link or you will be helping to distribute it!

Article written by Eike, from Team Spockholm and guest-writer for the MW Loot Lady Blog.
All material is protected by copyright law

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