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May 29, 2011

More Descriptive Gift Error Pigs


On March 9th of this year, Gifting Error Pigs were introduced to Mafia Wars. They were comical at first but now they are just annoying as we get way too many of them. Different Error Pigs contain different error codes. Eike Meier figured out what some of the codes stood for (1). Instead of defining the codes which would be useful, Zynga decided to spend their development time naming the gift you tried to open. If I attempt to open up a Mystery Bag, I think my short term memory of 1 page load (excluding IE) is good enough to remember what I clicked on. Does it matter? I'm not getting the gift so who cares what it was anyways. Why can't they define their codes so we know why we got the error?
Many are complaining that the Hollow Points and A19 Riot Shields are returning many Error Pigs. If you get a Error Pig while trying accepting a Hollow Point or A19 Riot Shield, you will notice that many of them don't list the proper item. The Hollow Points will say a Gold-Plated Magnum and the A19 Riot Shields will say a Bloody Chainsaw. This may explain why there are so many errors with these limited time free gifts. Hopefully Zynga will extend the time these are available after they fix what's broken. Both are ig-19 error codes. 
In case you're curious like I was, the Gold-Plated Magnum and Bloody Chainsaw were Crate items back in the day. You can now purchase it in the Marketplace for one Reward Point. Only a collector should do this. Hopefully this isn't a play by Zynga to get their inexperienced players to use Reward Points. 

Thanks to Mike Nestor for taking a screen shot of his Riot Shield Error Pig.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Are there really collectors in this game? It would be great if there were some aspect that rewarded for having unique items!

  2. Yes there are collectors. People want what they don't have and cant get anymore. Even if they are worthless

  3. The bloody chainsaw was the first ever Halloween 10k add me LE loot offered on Myspace Mafia Wars in October 2008,not sure if it was offered on FB at that time too. It wasn't til later it was recycled into crates.


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