May 29, 2011

Hitlist Fighting and the Bulletproof Achievement


With all the events focused on fighting this weekend, many are saying it's a great time to try to get the Bulletproof achievement. It's best to have someone add you to the hitlist when there are a lot of players on it.
I haven't found the hitlist to be very populated but it's possible it's been slow on the times I've checked.
At some point in the recent past, I was able to hit the 2 hour mark. I've been stuck at 1:56 for almost a year so maybe there is something to the suggestion.
Fighting off the hitlist is much faster than the fightlist. It got even faster when Brazil was launched as it costs 5 stamina per attack. Every other destination costs 1 stamina.
When fighting on the hitlist, you can gain Victory Coins and Loot. The double loot drops offered this weekend also apply to hitlist fighting.
The catch is the player you attack needs to be close to your level or stronger. I think it's funny they tell you to attack a stronger player to get loot and Victory Coins because you don't get anything for losing.
In addition to the cash you get for winning individual fights (assuming the player you are attacking has unbanked money), you can also get the bounty if you are the one to knock them off by bringing their health to zero.
Hitlist fighting is very fast paced and you will often see processing errors. Hopefully these don't trigger the unusual activity messages received by many players.
I decided to compare results from a hitlist run to a fightlist run. The hitlist run was performed manually and I used the Inventory History bookmarklet to see what loot items I got and before and screen shots to document Victory Coins and other statistics. I used one round of my stamina for each run. Obviously you get a lot more loot from the fightlist.
I was surprised that I ended up with a few more Victory Coins from hitlist fighting.
I also compared my fight stats. Brawler isn't logging my ices so I couldn't compare those to hitlist fighting.
I took screen shots of my fight stats before and after my manual hitlist run. You can see by the number of fights won that each fight in Brazil which costs 5 stamina only logs as one fight. Many players assume it counts as 5. I performed a total of 936 fights and spent 4,738 stamina. This equals 5 stamina per fight. I discussed this in greater detail here.
You can also see that we get credit for an ice when we get a kill. CM explained why in the forum post below (1). I'm not sure why I had one less ice than kills but feel free to enlighten us in the comments if you know the reason.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. You dont have anything else to do? :P
    That was a joke..
    Thanks :)
    You are awesome lady!

  2. You know i did this yesterday & was vitually about to get this achievement..but got knocked down by an idiot when i was just 23 seconds short..yes i was on hitlist for 59:37 secs..

  3. i'm trying to get that achievement but can get it :( my current time 59.29 :(

  4. Woke up this morning to see I got the achievement on my main account :)

  5. "We know that kills are harder to get and usually there is only a one line message once you achieve one. This was our first step at making them worth more than an Ice."

    As a fighter, I like it. However, in a perhaps misplaced sense of fairness I have to note that since it's much easier to "kill" lower and weaker players, it seems like there is a real potential to increase the bullying that's currently going on in the game.

    Now, I don't consider being iced (or killed) as bullying - once, twice, or even three times. But a number of times a day by the same player for several days (and sometimes weeks) seems a bit extreme.

    Unfortunately, the "guilty" parties are usually either those who appear to have unlimited credit card accounts, or those who gained advantage when their accounts were transferred from MySpace.

    Since Zynga obviously (based on past observation) can't successfully partition the fight list, perhaps they should consider making the rewards for fighting (both XP and loot) proportional to the difficulty ... the closer someone is to you in mafia strength, the greater your reward ... the farther away, the lower - perhaps even to a point where you get nothing at all.

  6. LOL I love fighting on HL! especially when some idiot thinks they can get the Bulletproof Achievement (yes idiot re 2nd post lol) by trying to hide amongst all the other players on there during fight events etc etc I make a killing :D

    As for "often see processing errors" they are common place & very annoying but I have never got a unusual activity messages because of this...

    And as for the loot drop rate.... well mine has always been the complete opposite!!! I get bugga all top fight loot from fight lists & I have even tried brawler a couple of times & on my account the loot drop is pathetic to say the least with out any change to my att/def after several thousand stam spent! yet as soon as I start fighting on the HL the top fight loot starts dropping right away! hence now 99% of my fights now are Hitlist ... plus as you seen its so easy to burn through lots of stamina this way!

    p.s as soon as I open the HL I go right after those closest to the 1hr mark LOL NO FREE RIDES if I can help it Mwhahahaha HTFU & heal cupcake & earn it!!!

    1. It's assholes like you that piss me off.

  7. I was put on hitlist by someone and somebody managed to take me out when I was only 20 seconds away from the achievement -.-


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