May 20, 2011

Ice Count Issues


There are a few ice counting problems in the game due to the new Put 'Em Ice Event. In addition to the ice popup changing, you may have noticed that the ice post has also changed. Here is an old one.
Spangle Sami posted a batch of new ones on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page and you can see Zynga had a little problem counting his ices.
Many players are reporting that kills are counting as ices. You ice an opponent when you bring their health below 20, you kill them when you bring it to zero. Kills are logged in the Mobsters Whacked statistic on your profile page.
Kills show up a snuffs in your player updates and you lose 6 experience points when it happens to you.
You can see by the image posted by Jack Sferrazza that he got an ice pop up when he killed somebody. I'm not sure if this happens because you do enough damage to ice and then kill a player with one hit. Maybe the fighters can comment and explain this better than me.
Cerulean Master clears up this question on this forum board discussion (1). We are being rewarded with an extra ice when we get a kill. There is a hint that we will see more of this type of thing in the future.

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Hiya Community,

I'm headed out to continue my vacation, but before I go, I wanted to clear up some confusion.

Kills are counting as an Ice, but it is set to count as two. We know that kills are harder to get and usually there is only a one line message once you achieve one. This was our first step at making them worth more than an Ice. <---- Hint to the future? 

If you do not have the event yet, please do not worry. The team is working on getting it out to everyone. If we still have players missing when I return Monday, getting an update will be my first priority... after that, I'll be looking for the extension thread, lol.

This event was put out there with your feedback in mind, so enjoy it. Hopefully the positive reactions can cause these to happen more often. 


Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. lol - now that you mention it, I noticed the miscount issue as well, but I thought it was the beer messing with me! :0)

  2. When you see the statement, "You eliminated_____", it means you actually killed them. that counts as a mobster whacked.

  3. italy seems to be great for this event if you can ignore the loot
    1) more icings per stamina spent
    2) you work on the "Bread and Circuses" achievement simultaneously
    ... 2 birds, 1 stone anyone? :)

  4. "Hint to the future?" <- Interesting =]

  5. I have noticed that a kill counts as 2 ices for my baby fighter account - still not got the event on main account to verify this there- baby is under level 400 and main is over lvl 1200

  6. So it,s Monday, 4pm here in the UK, and still no sign of the Icing Event on the server,I wonder if we will get an extention as promised ????


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