May 26, 2011

Remove The Zynga Toolbar And Still Get Bonuses


At one time or another, we have all most likely installed the Zynga toolbar. It sounds like a good deal as you get a bonus every 8 hours, a Crate is offered to first time installers and there is an achievement for doing so. The problems I have with the Zynga Toolbar is it's made by a third party called Conduit. There was a problem back in October in which there was a server glitch causing the Zynga toolbar to be replaced with the toolbar. (1) You would think with all the millions made by Zynga they could write software for their own toolbar.
I also don't like once you install the Zynga toolbar, you give Zynga access to all kinds of information. Do they really need to know my physical location? Those who worry about getting caught using scripts and banned don't like the fact that this information can be readily accessed. I hate to disappoint but Zynga has access to your Mafia Wars account anyways. If they really want to know if you are using scripts and hunt you down, not installing their toolbar or blocking the iesnare cookie isn't going to help you.
If you were tempted for whatever reason and can't figure out how to remove this invasive toolbar, keep reading. There are ways to get the 8 hour bonuses without having the toolbar installed and I will go over those as well. If you have never installed the toolbar, it's not a bad idea to do so then remove it. To find out if you have, go to your Achievements page. If you don't have the Got Tools? achievement then go here to install it.
The following instructions can be applied to any toolbar you added but would like to remove.

1. Go to the Tool tab in the upper left corner of your screen and select Add-ons.
2. Locate the Zynga Toolbar and select Uninstall.
3. Click on Uninstall from the verification window.
4. Accept Zynga's apology that you are booting their toolbar.

1. Go to the little wrench in the upper right corner, select Tools and then Extensions.
2. From your list of extensions, find the Zynga toolbar and click on Uninstall.
3. Click Uninstall again from the verification window.
So now that you no longer have the Zynga toolbar, you may want to know how you can get the 8 hour toolbar bonuses. One way is to use The Checklist by Team Spockholm.
Just click on "Do It" located next to the MiniPack and the bonus can be all yours.
Another way is to use the Mafia Task Force Chrome Extension. Click on "Ready" whenever you need a toolbar free boost.
Click on "Ready" when you need a toolbar free boost.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Thnx Jen .. Luv u .. the day this blog will stop posting .. i will quit mafia wars .. :D

  2. And should you want to do it without installing scripts and addons, first click this link:

    ("Toolbar does not exist" or a blank page)

    Then click this link:

    Still once every 8 hours so you have to watch your own clock, of course.

  3. I can not get the 8 hour bonus using the checklist. ty for the link, I'll try :)

  4. Even tho the toolbar is taking up too much room on my browser I am used to it. I don't care if Zynga knows what my favorites are, I'm sure they don't care and don't have time to look at them. Anyway I can refill my health and keep my stats up, no sense making it too easy to ice me.

  5. i wass really asking myself if they were watching my dirty taste for porn.

  6. The real problem with the toolbar is temporarily hanging (in FireFox) or completely locking up (in Chrome) the browser.

  7. "You would think with all the millions made by Zynga they could write software for their own toolbar."

    Conduit Labs = Zynga

  8. Sorry, the toolbar you are looking for does not exist.

  9. Thanks for nice guide. It works well even after all these years. Before this i've used automatic removal with Spy Hunter 4, it's good but my licence expired. Here is some advice about using this malware removal


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