May 11, 2011

Boss Fight 411: Better Late Than Never


The Defeat Roughhouse Rafael 411 & FAQ is out now. I'm not going to reprint it contains quite a few inconsistencies and doesn't answer a few common questions. If you want to read it, go here. This would have been nice to have last night prior to or at the same time the feature was released.  They get a C for effort on this one, but I like that they are using graphics on their 411's now. If you want to know all the facts as they were discovered in the game, please read my post titled Boss Fight Facts. If I can do it shortly after a feature is released, why can't Zynga?

Useful Facts
-One Combo will also be found by completing a Quest Event, which will begin after the Boss fight begins and will continue for the duration of the event.
-For the Job, Fighting and Robbing consumables you will be able to collect a maximum of 50 each day. For the gifting consumable you will only be able to collect 40 each day.
-The maximum amount that you can have in your inventory for the Job, Fighting, and Robbing consumable is 50 at any given time. The maximum amount that of the gifted consumable is 80, but remember you can only collect a maximum of 40 each day for this consumable.

Inconsistent Facts:
Q: On what date is this event scheduled to end?
A: This event is scheduled to end on 05/18/11
-According to the time on my account, the event would end on May 17th 10:00 pm PST.
Q: Does the Boss heal during the fight?
A: The Boss will begin to regenerate after 8 hours. The Boss will have a heal timer that will reset the Boss' health if it expires. It is important to note that the Boss will fully heal if you run away.
-I found this not to be true. Here is my Silver Level Boss Fight which I stopped working on well over 8 hours ago. No health regeneration here. I also "ran away" many times as I was working on a blog post and left the fight to get screen shots and farm consumables. I don't see a Boss heal timer anywhere on the page.
Q: What are the Ammo/consumables that I will need to collect?
A: There are four types of Ammo that you can collect
-The damage listed that each consumable item does is way off and not even close to what the damage we actually see in the game. They need to add a zero to each damage value.
The image used in was taken from the specs. You would think if they were going to post this after the feature is in game, they could have taken the time to copy the correct image.

Incomplete or missing Facts
-We are told we can collect a maximum of 50 each day from jobs, fights and robs. They don't designated if it's 50 for each action or 50 total.
- They don't address the limit of Shotgun Blasts you can collect from the news feeds. Many players are reporting that it's 80 but when they use a few of them, they can go back and collect more. So as of now it's unlimited.
-They don't bother to mention the achievement or mention that if you defeat the Boss on the gold level before the third combination is released, you won't get it.
-They don't mention that the comsumables are NOT dropping in fights, jobs and robs as they should be. Many players are unable to get items to drop.

Cool Intro

Defeat Roughhouse Rafael

Updated 05/11/2011 at 18:11

User-added image 
User-added image

Mafia Wars is presenting a new feature update to the Boss fight, so be ready to bring your A-game. If you're tired of getting beaten down by the Man, then now is your chance to bring down the newest Boss in Mafia Wars!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. drop rate on knife slash is terrible, got one with 4.5k energy

  2. Got bout 4 from 6k energy.Fighting loot for event is terrible over 7k stamina used and not a 1 yet

  3. WE NEED THE 3RD CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. same for me .. 1 knife witth 5k energy and 1 knuckles after spending 5k stamina in fighting <-- with that amount of stamina I could defeat many bosses the old way

  5. zynga has found a way to take the one type of even that we actually liked, and turned it into a crap spam event like all the rest. this really might be the last straw for me.

  6. LOL Yes finally someone said it :P...a crap spam event. Very funny :) However I didn't have a problem with the knuckles, they were dropping like flies when fought in Brazil.

  7. this new game is dumb and terrible...
    i wont waste my time for a damn cycle...

  8. crap again,code that don't exist yet,what another joke for z,that is why every one is leaveing.Boring bull crap again

  9. Why is their crap getting worse and worse? (1) These drop rates BLOW. (2) How the hell we were supposed to know that there was an achievement for unlocked all 3 combos? (3) WHY RELEASE ANOTHER SPAM EVENT WHEN WE WILL MORE THAN LIKELY HAVE TO DEAL WITH MORE SPAM WHENEVER THIS MYSTERY "3RD COMBO" appears.

  10. lol
    i got the knife like 10 with my 700 energy only


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