May 11, 2011

Boss Fight Facts


Here are a few Boss Fight facts which came from questions and observation on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page. The Boss we are fighting is Roughhouse Rafael and we need to confront him 3 times. The Bosses health starts at 15,000 for the Bronze Level fight, 20,000 for Silver and 35,000 for Gold.
There are different consumable and each one drops in a specific game action. In theory you can get 10 Bats, Knives, and Knuckles each a day. Many players are having trouble getting these things to drop. I was able to get 10 knuckles from fighting. They do not show up on the Brawler log but will be in your inventory. I spent around 8K stamina but I can't say when I maxed out.
You can accept up to 40 Shotgun Blasts a day from the free gift system. This is starting to sound just like the popup/spam event without the popups. I think they are trying to trick us into thinking this is a Boss Fight event when it's really a Gifting/Combo event in disguise.
The easiest way to collect your 40 Shotgun Blasts a day is to use the Get-a-Nator and copy the links into Bagman-Mugger.
Once you reached your limit for the day, your Shotgun Blasts turn into Mystery Bags. Mike Nestor got a Arachnid-Man which is a much better deal!
You can also collect Shotgun Blasts from the news feeds. Look for players requesting them and click on "Help take down the boss". You get 2 Shotgun Blasts every time you successfully help.

There are a limited number of Shotgun Blasts to go around so often you will get one of the following messages. We haven't been able to determine if there is a limit on how many you can collect a day. Mike Nestor has got well over 50 and stopped.
From the Operations Page, we get information on the damaged caused by 3 of the 4 consumable items.
I wanted to verify the information and see what damage the Shotgun Blast an do. Fortunately the Shotgun Blast, which is the easiest to get does the most damage.
Crack of The Bat
Damage: 102
Knife Slash
Damage: 98
Knuckles Punch
Damage: 80
Shotgun Blast
Damage: 281
I also checked to see if there was more damage in one destination versus another. There was no significant difference in the results.
Using the right combinations of the consumables above will deal more damage. So far only the first two of three have been unlocked. For more on this, go here.
One of the nicer features of this Boss Fight compared to the traditional ones is the fact that you can heal right from the fight without having to leave the page. You will be charged the currency for whatever destination you are in. It's also nice that the Boss doesn't regenerate his health.
There is an achievement with this Boss Fight Event called the . You can find it in the Operations section of your achievements. Make sure you don't defeat Roadhouse Rafael until the third combo unlocks or you won't get the achievement. For more on this, go here.
For all this work, all we get is one loot item called the Asphalt Assault . There are three different levels of stats but in the end you will be left with only one item. This makes it very tempting to not bother with this.
If you want the loot item but you are too lazy to go out and collect all these gifts. There are plenty of opportunities to buy them with Reward Points. They cost 1 Reward Point each. You can buy them from the Home Page by clicking on the yellow question mark.
From the Operations Page.
Directly from the Boss Fight when you run out.
And from the Marketplace under the Special Loot tab.
If you don't want to buy one at a time, there is an option to buy them in 5, 10 or 25 Reward Point increments.
If you think Roughhouse Rafael looks familiar, it's because could be the rapper and sometimes actor Ice T.

Thanks to Mike Nestor for helping me put this together, Da Irish Kid for the Ice T reference and all the players who posted facts and images about this Boss Fight on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. thank you so much for this information! <3
    ~ smiley c ~

  2. "You are at max capacity. Use a few Shotgun Blasts and click the feed again".

    I got this message when i reached 80 Shotgun Blasts in my inventory. So there is an upper limit of 80, however you use 1 and start collecting again from the news feed posts.

  3. I would like to add a couple of points I have discovered :)
    First: I wall crawled to collect blasts and inventory for them MAXES out at 80 so go use some on him and crawl some more. At present I have not hit a limit for collecting other than the 80 mark.

    Second: You can use the normal hospital heal button to use NY cash even during the fight.

    I hope this helps a little for all of us :)

  4. "Well I'm not really going to worry bout all that loot fight items, we have 5 days to kill the gold tier (if you have killed him 2 times already that is) Get 40 Shotgun blasts for like 3 days, for a total of 120 and you will beat him NP :)"
    =Correction then on my last statement, I tapped at 73 today and figured I could go higher. Thanks for the info. Easy fix is just to save some blasting ammo requests as back up incase you run out. Just hope they fix the 3rd combo soon so we can finish out this gifting fight / spam event :p

  5. for the 2nd combo the two items were reversed for me: shotgun shells, fist, knife, shotgun shells

  6. Thanks for the info! Are the consumables from fighting, robbing and jobs, city specific?

  7. Have tried a combination of robbing fighting jobbing in all towns and none of these consumables have dropped for me. Tried about 800 stamina/energy at each run. Ok is not a lot but still, should have had at least one item.

  8. Come up with New Cities Zynga..bugged of this stupid Gift events...they are'nt waht mafias are supposed to do...Brazil region sucked me the most..instead of doing undercover activities the region was doing more of social services...zynga u suck man...come up with intelligent stuff and not pigs, balloons, cartoons etc

  9. this is no boss fight, only a modifief gifting/finding event (like the valentines day event) but instead of getting the choice of 4 items we have only one and there are no lower thresholds than 150...

  10. How boring ...
    wait wait wait wait
    wait wait wait wait
    wait wait wait wait
    ... when is Zynga going to learn that all the slow-loading graphics take more away from the game than they add?

  11. should have been ...
    (click) wait wait wait wait
    (click) wait wait wait wait
    (click) wait wait wait wait
    ... clicks disappeared from the first post.
    In any case this event gets a great big YAWN from me.

  12. Tricky trick works for me -
    the MAX we can get is 80 for shotgun blasts in our inventory..
    after maxing it, just click on ASK for more.. and if ur friends click on those you will additional.. then after that start collecting from the daily gifts of whose capacity is 40 per day, and u will find all will add up to your Inventory..
    I got my Inventory upto 94 and then i left counting those..
    So, in short, u can have 80 from wall posts, then ASK for more and then from ur gifts section..
    80+10+40 = upto 130 (may be..)

  13. How exciting another event!!! GAG....add more to the cities, more to the fighting, more to robbing more to what we can do whenever we play instead of limited "events" -Lonnie

  14. FYI: i have spoken with 5 separate CS agents seeking clarification.

    4 of the 5 gave me the same response, so im inclined to take it with a grain of salt.

    there is a mission coming that has something to do with this event, however, it is NOT dependent on the 3rd combo. i have tried 124 of the possible 256 combinations

    Nelson stated that in fact the mission has NOTHING to do with unlocking the 3rd combo. he could not explain why the 3rd combo is locked while the first 2 were not
    he did explain that they have been instructed to NOT give out the achievement for people who race through the event without figuring out the 3rd combo starting this afternoon though

  15. Zynga Code magicians are asshats. I wasted 2600 Energy today to get 10 knives. I have not gotten a single knuckles punch to drop from fighting after expending 6000 stamina

  16. Mission is available. 2 Steps, including one that is make an armor. The 2nd is collect 5 bats and collect 5 knife slashes. Fuckers, I've spent 1100 stamina and have only collected 2 bats. It's got a timer as well. 2nd part gives you the code.

  17. I agree that the 2nd combo is Shotgun Shell, Fist, Knife, Shotgun shell. +167


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