Apr 30, 2011

RewardVille Daily Goals


RewardVille keeps getting busier and busier. Last week they added RewardVille Bingo(1) and now we have RewardVille Daily Goals. I haven't kept up with RewardVille but The Mafia Wars Maniac Blog has done a great job explaining the latest feature. Read RewardVille Daily Goals! and RewardVille Daily Goals Part 2 to get all the details.
I'm afraid to use the zCoins I've earned by playing Mafia Wars because I know the loot will soon be useless.
You can tell RewardVille comes from Zynga. Instead of fixing things, they add more stuff. Here is an error I posted about 2 months ago and it still hasn't been fixed. The stats listed for the HAWK Monocycle on the RewardVille page are different than they are on our Inventory Page (1).
How much stuff can they cram on the RewardVille Home Page? I'm not going to play the other Zynga games unless they can offer something better than a few loot items that I won't use down the road.

Thanks to Ade for the information on RewardVille Daily Goals and to TOKO for spotting the RewardVille loot error.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. They took out the Attack & Defense Info on mouseover. That's not nice of them

  2. rewardville actually has nice loot, for vampire wars that is, a 200att/50def item for 200 coins!...compare that to the best MW item of 51/92 for 200 coins! laughable...

  3. You earned 2 zCoins for hitting your daily Mafia Wars goal! What a joke.. so much effort to get those crap loot that they offer. Once we'll get there they gonna be useless anyway so why waste our time to do it? Even if u get there I'll be able to buy how many 10? 100 increase in Att/Def for playing everyday those shit games for at least 20 mins? Get a life Zynga...

  4. It's true that much of the loot ages very fast and that in a few weeks / months it will not play any part in my stats. But there was a time when I was hot after Lemangs or Day Riders.

    Was I wrong to collect them, knowing that one day they would be worthless? (albeit giftable).

    No. I needed them to be successful then, gain more loot and become a stronger fighter so that I could start collecting Quads and Foos. Which I don't need now either.

    There isn't much left in the Fight Club or Rewardville that can help my stats, but I take what I can because it makes me stronger now and allows me to win more loot that I can use for a bit longer.

    Thanks for all your work on the blog.


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