Apr 6, 2011

Mini Game Myth Busters


I'm sure you are all to familiar with this game interrupting "Mini Game" by now.
I don't think this is what players had in mind when they voted "More Mini Games".
I hope you haven't been one of the few who enjoy agonizing over the decision of what box to select. If so, stop reading because there is a spoiler. I've seen a few rumors and false statements regarding which box to select in the Mini Game. Some think the one on the far right yields the best results while others claim to have better luck with the one on the far left. The truth of the matter is that all boxes, regardless of which one you select are predetermined to contain the same prize. Don't stress about it nymore and just pick one, it doesn't matter. You will either get a "Sorry", "+1", "+3+ or a "+5" and the value is already determined before you pick. Sorry but this is more of a game on Zynga's end and we are just the hamsters falling for it. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself. Next time you get a Mini Game, right click on any of the "Select" buttons and click on "Inspect Element".
Since you probably won't know what your looking at, take if from Eike Meier that the code calls for the same action or call to the sever to be done. The server doesn't know which button you selected. Here is the image that Eike took to dispel the rumors. He should be on that show Myth Busters! This may not be as exciting as blowing stuff up but notice that Zynga has the term "minigame" right in the code proving they do consider this a Mini Game.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I, certainly, don't consider these Mini Games at all. I think there is a language barrier problem with the Zynga developers.

    Many of the support staff cannot spell and/or form a grammatically correct sentence. I wonder if some of them can read. Their responses usually request me to perform something that I have stated was done in the original request for support. The original request is included in their response.

    Maybe they all need to learn the language that they are communicating in or at least be proficient at an eighth grade level.

  2. Actually if you look closely, the ID field's of each button are set to different values, eg. select_hearts_0, select_hearts_1, etc; so it does know which button is pressed based on the ID of the field pressed.

  3. it knows what button is pressed, but they all perform the SAME action.

  4. This "same" action still could contain something like "if select_hearts = 1, do that..." etc.
    It's php (or ajax or something) and on the server and you can guess only so and so much from the actions which are called through the html part.

  5. I have not gotten a +5 yet....my luck is terrrrrrrrrrrrible lol

  6. yea.. I thought mini games meant something like Pacman or Frogger....lol I still only voted trading anyway

  7. The ID of the link is not submitted when clicking on the Link.


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