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Apr 6, 2011

More on Brazil Job Images


Wow, there isn't much going on in Mafia Wars right now. I'm sure this is like a quiet before the storm kind of thing. For now here is a totally useless post. A few days ago, I showed you what was really scoped out in the District 1 of Brazil (1).
Now go to District 3 and you can see our boy has made some progress in this relationship.  He is trying to get a look at something else but can't seem to get a good angel.
Now move on to District 5. This auction house security guard isn't very professional. I'm sure they would prefer he put his hands on his hips!
What's going on in District 2 of Brazil? I know Zynga likes to spam but it seems they are also advertising at the Brazil Airport.
Lets blow that up a to get a better look. Yep it's the Zynga logo.
The girl in this job image looks a lot like Jennifer Aniston.
The job Steal Artwork from the Paco Imperial in District 1 makes me feel like I'm back in Paris doing a Challenge Mission. If all these museums wanted to keep their artwork safe from Mafia Wars thieves, you would think they wouldn't stop putting windows in the ceilings.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. LOL GAwd things must be slow for yah but its great chuckel. Now lets go get busy and go kill a bully

  2. I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana


    I'm a Banana I'm a Banana I'm a Banana



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