Apr 2, 2011

Fully Upgraded Brazil Hold Out


Ade posted an image of what a fully upgraded property looks like on the Mafia Wars Maniac Blog.  I didn't realize they had such advanced architecture in Brazil. These properties look like they belong in a science fiction movie. Check out Ade's post linked above to get some useful tips on upgrading your Brazil Hold Out. Thanks to Marco and Ade.
(image from the Mafia Wars Maniac Blog)

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. its very futuristic...lol

  2. it looks futuristic for me too. i do not have that huge amount of energy to ruby master all, and upgrade all propertiez

  3. the headquarters looks like the "museu da imagem e do som" (image and sound museum), on rio de janeiro. really different even for brasil architecture, but we are making real good projects nowadays...

  4. come on, loot lady! we don't live in trees here! =)
    but it's true we don't see those futuristic buildings pretty often in Brazil.
    Anyway, we have a very very famous and vanguardist architect, Oscar Niemeyer. He's the man behind the project of the UN headquarters, together with Le Corbusier. There are a lot of his works that present this kind of strange structures, but his projects are mainly great and important buildings, like museums or political headquarters (like the one our president and a lot more politicians works in). Those properties in MW sure bares great resemblance with his works, that are also mainly white-colored.


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