Apr 2, 2011

Precious Gem Re-Vault


When it comes to these Precious Gems, some have better luck than others. I'm still need 3 more before I can vault it for the first time. Yoana is doing much better and is the first player I know of who has been able to re-vault the collection. The rules state you can re-vault the collection one time a day.  Yoana posted her Precious Gem Collection image on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page prior to re-vaulting. You can see in the right hand corner it says "Bonus Received: Vault again to gain one of the following".
You will get either BRL$20,000, +10 Defense, +10 Attack or +50 Health.  The cash and the health are hardly worth the efforts. Yoana was lucky again and got +10 Defense.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. i revaulted and got the 50+ health...pretty nice at all,atlest better than the money

  2. Yeah u got lucky too, skill points are the best :)

  3. suddenly i don't feel so bad about getting duplicates of things i already have (got the diamonds from my daily take today, only to get another one about 15 mins later from collecting my energy/stam -- at that time, i wanted to cry. :)

    just need the pink diamond now.

  4. i only have 1 tourmaline T_T you are luckier than me, Jen

  5. How the hell are they getting so many of these items?

  6. yes How do you get these .. i play daily and only have 3 ..

  7. yea how do you get so many...because they dont drop form robbing like they should

  8. @jinni they do drop from robbing, i have re-vaulted 8x now got attack x3 defence x3 health x2 i think it depends on how many gems the player has when ur robbing them i got 4 from 1 player.

  9. I got most of mine from the daily take. Have vaulted once.


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