Apr 30, 2011

Bad News For Facebook Group Pages


I'm sure by now you have all experienced the new Group Pages on Facebook. There are no Discussion Boards, the topics don't stay in chronological order as they get bumped whenever someone comments on them and there are no information boxes on the right column of the page. Facebook is changing ALL Group Pages to the new format. This is bad news for the long time Clans and Families of Mafia Wars as they have always used the old Group Pages. There isn't anything you can do to stop this from happening so you will need to learn to adapt or create a Fan Page. Here are Facebook's responses to frequently asked questions about the migration and what you can do to prepare (1).
If you are considering changing your Group Page to a Fan Page, here is a good guide from All Facebook that explains the differences.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Is it possible to fight this??? The new group pages are just not right!!!!

  2. Looks like they want the "Families" to leave...

  3. we need a group or page to start fighting this and share it everywheres for sdupport this is bullshit,we need our discussions for certain things to work..

  4. How long before we are forced to change this ??

  5. If you go tho the page settings->apps you can add many things, e.g. a discussion board. Overall it's more new than bad.

  6. Once updated - can the group go back to the old?

  7. You can't add a discussion board to the new groups. That's for pages.

  8. If your group is private, can you revert back to the old group style after upgrading and have it remain private?

  9. still having issues with GROUPS
    1. EVENTS link missing from group page.
    2. INVITE new members to event button missing
    3. END TIME of event missing

  10. Guess by when you say Group Network that includes being unable to mail the whole group as before. Can't seem to do that yet as as admin that is not practical. Grrr FB


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