Apr 3, 2011

5X Loot Drops


Jose Perez of Jose's Quick Tips by Mistyfed Mafia Wars & Pimping made a cool discovery and shared it in his latest note linked above. Many of us are still trying to figure out Brazil fighting and the best way to do it. We like the 5X loot drops but get confused when our Brawler runs show a bunch of 1X drops while in Brazil. Jose figured out how to increase the probability of 5X loot drops while in Brazil by doing a lot of manual fighting. If they money of the player you are attacking is BRL$ and you are in Brazil, you will get 5X the loot.  Also read the post made by Eike Meier on this blog in which he also illustrates this concept (1) and other facts on fighting in Brazil.
(image from Mistyfied Mafia Wars & Pimping)
I read his note and adjusted my Brawler settings accordingly. Jose recommends to select "Attack only if Cash from the same city" while fighting in Brazil.
You can see by my loot results from a 4K stamina run that almost all my loot items dropped in 5's. Only two items dropped in singles and this is probably due to the players changing destinations after the scan but before the attack.

Thanks to Jose and Mistyified Mafia Wars & Pimping for this awesome tip.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. 4k stamina and you hit FHEL4 only twice. Yep, Zynga's nerfed the drops again....

  2. I notice victory coins seem to fall at the one attack rate instead of 5 attack. Do you know if it's different when attacking in Brazil cash only? Thanks

  3. I could be wrong, but I don't think it matters if they don't have cash or if they switch city. The reason why loot don't drop in 5x is probably because the first time you attack someone you spend 5 stamina. If you don't ice/kill your opponent on the first 5 stamina you can do a powerattack of 25 stamina (which will drop 5x the loot).... so 1x loot for 5 stamina spent and 5x loot for 25 stamina spent.

  4. brazil can be great for drops but horrid for coins

  5. I believe you'll get rid of the 1x loot dropping if you select "only if cash is from the same city". It's travelling out of the 5x loot drop area and then you're not receiving it. =)

  6. Elke wrote this 14 days ago in :
    quote"I am fighting in Brazil, but only get 1x loot instead of 5 times.
    This is unfortunately true. If you attack someone on the fightlist who changed the city, you still pay 5x stamina, but get only single loot. You will see this if the player drops a different currency.

  7. Have you already noted in other posts that you also get far less victory coins and fighting mastery gain when fighting in Brazil? If not, might be a good follow up post.

  8. Thanks Hvedeknoppen... maybe I should retire early if noone reads my posts ;-)

  9. Sorry guys, was just reiterating. I did link Eike's post. It seems so much has happened in the last 14 days that it slipped my mind as far as the currency issue was concerned. I recalled the post more based on the discussions with the Power Attack.

  10. Brazil is very good place to fight. I spent here about 150k stamina in last weekend. Somebody complains about victory coins (me too in this blog), but i completely changed my view. Victory coins are not function of stamina, but time. If you fight (rob) longer you receive more VC. If you are able to level up constantly doing jobs in Brazil or Italy to loot for HEL, you have 2 best options: rob or fight in Brazil. Both is about 15 minutes for 3500 stamina and almost the same amount of VC. if you are not able to level up continuosly, stay fighting in old destinations.

  11. I need help. i am in brazil but my fights only cost 1 stamina and i only get 1x loot. I don't know why this is. Here's a link to a screenshot. Someone PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME ! :( http://img850.imageshack.us/i/69959112.png/
    Please let me know how to fix this. =/

  12. I dont know if it holds for Brazil but in other cities Loot improves if you fight 500 or 501 mafia.


  13. fimal point does not double cash etc require you to have to crew members installed and active?

  14. As usual, every time Zynga changes something there are consequences to be aware of. I noticed a significant difference in victory coins while fighting in Brazil as opposed to other places. I have 1600 stamina, and in the old cities I would get an average 300-350 victory coins (fight only mafia of 501) and level equal to or greater than mine. Doing the same thing in Brazil, I only got 60-70 coins. It is not a coincidence that I get 5x less coins. The only logical explanation is the victory coin rewards are the same everywhere, so Zynga did not change it in Brazil to multiply by 5x as you use 5 stamina per fight instead of 1. Hope this makes sense ....

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Regarding VC Yield and other aspects of fighting, it is discussed in the comments of my original post on Mistyfied. You can read up by clicking on the green link at the beginning of this article, it will land you there.


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