Mar 20, 2011

Common brazil fighting misinformations by Eike Meier


Brazil fighting seems to be a big mystery among all players. Before Brazil, I already heard the strangest theories and rumors about drop rates in cities, different daytimes or depending on browser.

Now, with Brazil, this seems to be even worse!

So let me put together a few things about this 5-stamina-fighting. Of course I can also be wrong, but I always tried to reproduce things on my own.
Let me start with something Jen wrote where I disagree (sorry!) but what now spread alot under the players.

Powerattack gives less loot than normal attack, because you don't get 25x loot.
In a normal city, "powerattack" means 5 attacks in a row. All loot from these 5 attacks is listed as loot of the powerattack. Means you can get up to 5x loot, of course these are mostly different items.
In Brazil, Fighting costs 5 Stamina and gives you 5x items. Always the same items, not different.
Now, powerattack in Brazil gives you 5x the chance to win 5 items. Of course, not every fight drops items, but it's possible to get multiple items from a powerattack.

I am fighting in Brazil, but only get 1x loot instead of 5 times.
This is unfortunately true. If you attack someone on the fightlist who changed the city, you still pay 5x stamina, but get only single loot. You will see this if the player drops a different currency.
You see, I still get 5x XP, but only single loot drop. Hopefully Zynga fixes this soon, because its unfair. Meanwhile, stop attacking if you see another currency (there is a brawler option for that, too).

My Brawler is saying I get 6x loot, not 5x.
Brawler displays this wrong. You get 5x loot.
You can always check this by looking at the stat improvement you get. For example I only get a boost from FHEL4, so its easy to tell. I get +5 from TGS and +8 from the Venomous, 5x5+5x8=65.
I get both +10 from GPF and the Blades, thats 10*10+5*10=150.
You also see, the Venomous was also logged incorrectly. You can always see from the plural "s" or apostrophe at the end of the loot item, that you got 5 of them.

My loot drop rate is xxx and in NY I get yyy and in Italy zzz.
What you call loot drop rate is just one sample of a wide distributed probability function. You can be very lucky and get a fistfull of loot in the first attacks, or you can wait for FHEL4 forever. Please stop comparing your ratios if you did not do at least 100k fights in each city. For Brazil this is even more true, you'd need 500k stamina burned for a significant result.

And keep in mind, your results are not fully correct. Remember you only get loot from won fights against live targets. You can use the "Wins" number that Brawler displays, but that still includes won fights against already dead targets. 
Martin made a modded version that displays the won fights against alive targets, but its only for testing and also based on an old Brawler version.

I hope everything else is clear, and I hope I did not write nonsense, as I am just guessing like everyone.
Keep in mind, if you use Brawler, use it wise with moderate settings in a single tab.

And don't forget, Brawler is NOT from Spockholm! ;-)
Happy looting!

Article written by Eike, part of Team Spockholm and co-writer to the MW Loot Lady Blog
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Much appreciated.

  2. i just found another bug in the display of the loot.

    as the result of a powerattack in brazil i got 5 frogs and 5 blades.

    in the log it was displayed as:
    frogs, blades, 5 frogs

    in the lootlog 6 frogs and 1 blade where added.

    hail eris! all hail confusion!

  3. Another thing thats nice that hasn't been mentioned is that you burn 5 or 25 stamina in an attack / power attack, but the damage done to you / your opponent is that of a 1 / 5 stamina attack / PA. This is nice for those of us who don't have 1000's of health! :)

  4. @Aaron - true. That's nice for the looters, but bad for the fighters ;-)
    And it's nice that it's so much faster.

  5. The loot achievement is that via fighting or robbing in Brazil(canoe)


  6. Is anybody getting any secret stash with brawler? I haven't getting any since a few days ago...

  7. Nope, no stashed, although I had a lot when fighting manually.

  8. lol 5/25 stamina for fights is not on my account still 1/5 like the old cities :) so fighting in Brazil for me is fine!

  9. You did not mentioned the biggest disadvantage. Victory coins. You only get VC as in other city, so you get 1/5. Look at your Brawler example, 1115 stamina and only 38 VC.

  10. I agree, the victory coins is the big deal as each 5K fight run nets a decent fightclub item.

  11. Lets not forget the job drops.I have a lvl 6,000 with 25,000 en and can do 100,000 a day en np . rubied 2 days ago .yet have bout 6 frieghters and 3 Caimans and today got demassed 5,000 def due to the absoloute crap i had drop being told was switched for top loot ? wtf i have the same loot as i have been counting every time i get yet my mas is down.
    More and more a fkn indian give for free money u znga assholes. there can be only soooo much you can dilute before you lose to new fruitions Z . Smarten up.

  12. and easy i can do a whole days energy on the last job last city at ruby and the most i can get is remembering back when it was not finished how it would not go past 90% just to take more energy.
    The wonderful 6 mini paks they have traded for the old big e pak would be nice if at times it didnt register 1 mini as a 24 hr epak as well lol now fights? ha! hit a peep with money 1 time get 600 hit him 5 x get 2000 hit 25 times get 2000. seems just like the last miniute rush in bankok where all jobs pay 1000 after 3 or 4 clicks. really Zynga just how is the profit made by giving us less for our time and money again?
    The way you r laying I4see a new kid in a basement getting sick on what is to offer and creating a new movement :[ C again

  13. another tip to all the brawlers if you r showing4. what ever loot drop at all the restart brawler cos you set it off at a bad moment to brawl. its all about when you start. if at start of refresh fl or at the end timing. get it right and you may not see 4.0 drops and wait all your stamina for it to change lmao. not enough v coin? fight harder targets simple as that.

  14. Do it manual for a change and then remember to thank not whine at the reasons and people why you have the numbers and loot you do \:

  15. Oh and yeah Jen and all the others (thankyou)that give much can be wrong at times in the conglomerate equation of many inputs with this game but just think of how many tripped out views they add so kindly into the equations all you look towards. Why dont you spend more time evaluating your game than surmising the unknown and fogging good reviews up?

  16. I have had secret stashes but were way fewer than other citys . am happy to miss giving a few more to the streemers then to wait for the page to load all the stashes i get from a 25 pow att while fighting.

  17. Nice Eike, good work

  18. Dal McVeay-Agent SnafuMarch 21, 2011 at 9:53 AM

    the best way to use the brawler log and any log for that matter is to ignore it. Seeing it on a log does not make it drop any better or any faster. Look at your win% and if the FL is hard core in that city, move to another city and see if it improves. The higher the fight win, the better potential drop rate. I usually burn between 80-100k stamina a day and i know im going to burn it, i have to burn it, and watching a log that may or may not be incorrect add's another intangible bit of stress.

    Agent Snafu

  19. It does not work this way at all on my account. Don't know if it is a glitch or what, but I get the standard 1 stamina, 1 attack at a time.

  20. Brazil sucks! I don´t fight there

  21. the victory coin amouth needs to be repaired, other than that fighting in Brazil kicks ass, I love how quickly I burn through thousands of stamina, also sometimes you get really enormous droprates don't anybody tell me that's just luck, yesterday for 3000 stamina I got about 50 toxic gas scrubbers, than for another 3000 another 30 scrubbers, I kept repeating for about 30 runs and got more fhel4 loot than previously in 100 runs in other cities, just by coincidence 90 percent of these were gas scrubbers, today though in 30 runs I got about 20 percent what I got yesterday...besides I can't understand one thing, why does Zynga not publish what the drop rates are in exact numbers? and how they get calculated? why do we have just the calculated numbers that some players get from their runs now and then? why nothing official? why no sheet with every items or items class (rare, etc.) where it says in numbers what the chance is? or publish exactly how fighting is calculated related to your level? why keep everyone guessing? other mmo games f.e. mmorpg's have wikis containing exact information in percent and somehow I don't they guessed these exact would at least eliminate all the guesses of how everything works and at last put something real on the table, might attract more players, god knows I would enjoy the game more if there were exact numbers published...

  22. If they posted an official set drop rate they would have their live chat flooded with people complaining and screaming bloody murder that their drops aren't reflective of the posted drop rate. The small percentage (.1-.5 % for some items) can result in ~2000 stamina fighters not getting any of the FHEL4 they wanted. And then factor in attacking iced targets giving both lower xp and no drops. Too many casual players out there that wouldn't understand little things like this and it would just be one gigantic cluster*bleep* for their customer service dept.
    As for the 4 post anonymous rant above, switch to fighting, the drop rates are great here, and maxing out on FHEL4/fight club loot is enough to keep you attacking/defending.
    For those complaining about not enough stamina / energy for brazil, theres plenty of opportunities to "fix" your character. Your new york and italy property items can net you a mix of ~ 630 stamina / energy ( ~35 monthly collections on cs/wd/armory ) while still leaving you ~120 attack / defense pts to add...without spending a GF pt. I am a energy / stamina mix (7k/8k), done with brazil. It took some work, but it was a fair challenge for someone who has played for over a year.

  23. What goes for some people goes also for me: My account (level 6xx, 400+ stamina) just spends 1/5 stamina on fights in Brazil. Therefore Brawler shows extremely wrong stats during fighting. A friend of mine who is just level 1xx however does already need 2/10 stamina in Brazil although he has only a total of 20 stamina.

  24. Just did 2 stamina runs and not one FHEL 3 or 4. Yesterday they were dropping at a very nice rate. Yes, I only fight 501's and brawler was set exactly as it was for yesterday. I ran 1 in Brazil and one of Italy, nothing any good. Looks like it has been nerfed because yesterday I had very good drops. Anyone else see a huge drop tonight?


  25. brazil fight:
    on my "friend's" lvl 118 acc. it's 2/10.
    on my "sister's" lvl 256 acc. it's 3/15.
    on my lvl 1500 acc. it's 5/25.

  26. I'm Getting only 1 of the loot even though Brawler Is Saying 5x, Just Thought I Would See If Anyone Else Has Noticed This Or If It's Another Blessing On My Account!


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