Apr 1, 2011

2 Free Reward Points From Dr. Drew


I know, those of you who don't get these are tired of hearing about them. There is another third party ad which bribes you to do a task for 2 Reward Points on the Home Page. This one was kind of fun and disturbing at the same time. It's an ad for Dr. Drew's television show and we need to take a quiz to find out if we have a social gaming issue.
Here are the questions.
I'm told at the completion of the survey that I could use a Social Gaming Intervention. At least I didn't spend 2 Reward Points to learn this bit of information. Anyone reading this post will probably get the same result (unless you don't have it on your game...oh snap!).
After you get your Reward Points, you can spam your friends and let them know you have a problem. Whose bright idea was it to tell people they have a social gaming problem and then give them 2 Reward Points to fuel the addiction? This seems the equivalent to giving a cocaine addict a crack pipe with just enough for a small hit!

Please note that the links to these surveys do NOT work and therefore I don't post them. Mike Nestor and I have tested them out many times and haven't had any success. If you don't live in the viewing area, you can't participate. Zynga claims to want balance in the game but these offers seem to contradict that philosophy.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. In the future, can you also post the link for this add? please? Thank you.

  2. This seems the equivalent to giving a cocaine addict a crack pipe with just enough for a small hit! LMAO.


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