Apr 1, 2011

Time Off Request 411 and FAQ



Mafia Wars Time Off Request 411 and FAQ

Updated 04/01/2011 at 00:00
Time Off Request 411

Our timers and limits are designed to keep you actively engaged in Mafia Wars 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We understand bathroom breaks and real life issues can not always be attended to during the few minutes of downtime allotted in the game. We listened to your feedback and designed a new feature to ensure that players who can't be on-line are compensated for their down time. If your request is deemed appropriate by our highly skilled specialists, your timers will halt and when you return to the game it will be as if you never left. To utilize this feature, follow the instructions below.

Go to your Account Drop Bar Menu and select "Time Off".
A Time Off Request Form will appear in a separate window. Fill in the required information and click submit.
Please note that the only acceptable reasons for time off are listed on the form. All other reasons will are inappropriate for requests and will be automatically denied by our specialists.
Q:  I sent in my Time Off Request over 48 hours ago and still haven't gotten a reply.
A:  Our specialists are busy reviewing the millions of requests that come in on a daily basis. If you haven't received a response, it must be your cache.

Q:  Your Terms of Service do not allow me to use a Bot. Because of all the tasks I'm required to do, there is no other way for me to complete them. What should I do?
A:  Use the Checklist by Team Spockholm and set alarm clocks accordingly. Our Terms of Service are gray for a reason. As soon as we crack the code for the Mafia Wars Auto Player, the Time Off feature will be removed.

Q: I have to go to a family outing at my sisters house and her internet connection sucks.
A:  This is the 21st century and a bad internet connection is unacceptable. Have the outing at your house or stay home.

Q:  I have to have surgery and will be in the hospital. Why can't I get time off for that?
A:  Review your Mafia Wars schedule with your surgeon and select a time when there are no tasks to perform. Ensure that you get the right dose of anesthesia so you awake before your properties get robbed. Most hospitals should have WiFi. If not, look for a more modern hospital.

Q:  I complained about my Time Off request being denied on the Zynga Forum Boards and I was banned by a moderator.
A.  We want this feature to be viewed in a positive light and negativity is bad for the community. Our moderators are trained to remove any material deemed unnecessary and ban those who post it.

Q:  I have a job and can't keep up with the demands of Mafia Wars. If I quit then I won't be able to afford to buy Reward Points.
A:  We recommend that you find a job where you can play Mafia Wars or quit and find another way to make money.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. this was a april fool joke .. dame i was hoping to get this one. good one fooled me for 2 days :p ..


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