Mar 25, 2011

Boss Fight Mastery Items


Yesterday Mike posted the 411 for the Brazil Boss Fights (1). Instead of being part of the District, these Boss Fights are available upon completion of the Mission that corresponds with each boss. Here are the Mastery Items rewarded for defeating each boss. Just for fun I added the stats posted on the 411 and you can see they are different than the ones in game.

Boss 1: Lieutenant Emilio Sandoval
 Boss 2: Pablo Alvares "The Dockmaster"
 Boss 3: Capitão Tinto
 Boss 4: Mrs. Maria Rosa
Boss 5: Lucas Sousa
The stats listed on the 411 actually match the stats of the job mastery items so it doesn't appear the discrepancy was an intentional nerf.
Thanks to Bossy Don for noticing the 411 discrepancy (1) and Coinspinner for figuring out what happened (see comments).

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. The stats from the 411 match the regional mastery stats. Looks like someone copied the wrong numbers when writing it up, as opposed to an intentional tempering.

  2. I have yet to meet any boss in Brazil and Im ruby on most of the jobs to ruby..I just checked earlier and I was awarded a few of the items even tho I didnt fight the bosses...I bitched about not getting the boss fights in the forums and finally got an email out to support..I hope I can fight for the remaining items I need...or at least be awarded the item when i finish a district..Had a helluva time starting the AH BRAZIL didnt check my job part of the mission,bitched about,got that squared away,then I couldnt get the crew member need that even tho my mob told me they accepted the request...first time since i began playing 3 years ago that ever had a really hard,i was peeved


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