Mar 26, 2011

Another Mission "Issue"


I was on a roll with the Missions until I got the one below. In the Mission Enemy Of My Enemy, one of the tasks is to rob 6 Workshops. This sounds easy enough.
I don't know about you but I've never seen a Workshop on the robbing board.  I was hoping it was a typo and they really meant the HeadQuarters but no such luck as robbing these didn't count towards my Mission.
In a last desperate attempt, I went to an individual profile from my fight list and hoped to find something there. Workshops aren't meant to be robbed so how will we move on in this Mission?  Customer Support isn't going to have an easy weekend!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I got headquarters..I didn't see workshops...

  2. Glad Im not the only one experiencing this. I though that, perhaps, I was missing an important concept or something.

  3. another product of cheap, chinese programing

  4. excuse me what chinese programming has anything to do with this zyngit crap.

  5. Perleeeeeeze from one anon to another, theres no need for racial sterotyping/abuse, the zynga techs belong to their own breed. that of nerdicus twaticus nogoodattheirjob...These are found worldwide

  6. just hang tight and flood them with support tickets.

  7. what about buying it?

  8. no way, unless u wanna spend 72 rps

  9. Help I can not finish some missions.

    1. I can not finish the Ransom Marco's Son: Part2 because they want me to UPGRADE YOUR RESTAURANT 1 TIMES.Too bad I finished building vegas about 3 months ago.
    Now in Brazil UPGRADE YOUR RESTAURANT 1 TIMES. They want me to do the Paco job and the Bondinho tram job. I did both nopt once but twice as I completed 2 levels.
    This is garbage.
    What should I do.


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