Feb 3, 2011

New Private Zoo Animals: Non-Giftable


It looks like Zynga didn't like players adding their 2 new animals to their wishlists. As of tonight, both animals are no longer giftable. 
Giftability was the main reason that the Raw Meat nerf wasn't a big deal. Why would anyone craft the Amur Leopard from the Private Zoo? No skill points are given so it was concluded that collecting Raw Meat building items weren't needed.  Yesterday we were only allowed to collect 5 Raw Meats a day.
Today there is no limit. Unless they add special abilities to the limited time animals, I'm not going to use any building parts.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Strange: Earlier, i noticed that the Tundra Fox was not giftable, because it all the sudden vanished from my wishlist. However, as of this moment, the Amur Leopard is still on my wishlist, and i just got 2 of them from opening Mystery Bags.
    Maybe i should just shut my mouth and bask in the glory that i can still get them, without wasting resources on them in the Zoo

  2. me too - after reading this checked my WL and the Leopard is still there - last time Z removed stuff from my WL I complained and they compensated me with RP so its staying on my WL untill Z remove it

  3. MW players, Did any one notice that the Tundra Wolf and Amur Leopard were removed from being put on the wish list, when they first can out we could put them on the wish list, so i did, know i looked at my wish list they are gone, and can not be put back, freaking Zynga, they just can not make up there minds


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