Feb 3, 2011

Big Game Faceoff Gifting Event


The Mafia Wars version of the Super Bowl is here in the form of a gifting event. The NFL calls it the Super Bowl, Zynga calls in the Big Game Faceoff.
The NFL calls the two teams the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers, Zynga calls them the Wisconsin Chedderheads and the Pennsylvania Ironworkers. Wow wonder who came up with those names.
Now lets see how this event works. Go to your Home Page Module #1 and everything is there.
Click on the little question marks for instructions.  In a nutshell, you can own up to 3 teams on each side and can collect a maximum of 3 Grand Prize items.  If you like to gamble and hope your 3 teams are on the winning side, go right ahead. With stats of 92/88, I'm not going to risk an upset so I will collect 6 teams total to guarantee I get 3 Victory Rings.
Teams are built by collecting gifts from your mafia. Find team member from both sides on your Free Gift page.
You can also find them on the Link-a-Nator and the Get-a-Nator.
Just like in the real football game, you need 11 Offense and 11 Defense to make up a team.  Collect 22 of one side and you just got a team!  Go to your home page when you are ready to collect and make sure you tell all of your friends.  You can do this for each side of each team or wait until you collect the entire team.
No keep accepting team members until you have 3 teams on each side. If you don't feel like dealing with all the gifting, no worries, you can buy a whole team for only 22 Reward Points by clicking on the Reward Point icon.
Once you have your 6 teams, sit back, relax and watch the Super Bowl. You have nothing to worry about because it doesn't matter who wins or loses. You will get three Victory Rings on Feb 7th and this event will come off the Home Page.  Uncollected team members will convert to Mystery Bags once the event is over.
 For more information, visit the Customer Support Big Game Gift Event 411 and FAQ Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. Funny how one team has the word winners in its name and the other one losers!! doubt this is coincidence or a red herring so i know where ill be concentrating my efforts


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