Feb 17, 2011

Love Tap Discovery


Tina C Prater of Mistyfied Mafia Wars Pimping & Trading posted the following image on my fan page.  Looks like those accidental Love Taps haven't been obliterated from the game.
You may ask yourself "How is this possible?" as the item isn't even in our inventory. Read the article I wrote about what Customer Support agents were doing for players to find the answer (1).
A few players stated that the agents added the item back to their accounts.  They also said the item would return for a Valentine's Day event.  This never panned out to be true but maybe if they had made it one of the Love Is Hard to Find reward items, the event would suck as much as it does!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Love Taps never left. Even if not listed in the inventory. After manually counting the defensive attack weapons...again. I still come up with the same amount 430, missing the 71 taps, that are still a part of my defensive stats.
    I did say this before, but it appears now that i was not believed.

  2. We believed you Woof. Some have them in their profiles but most had them taking away. Mikes were and his scores went own. It's the fact that there isn't any consistency. Either give everyones back or take the ones that people still have him away.

  3. Ty. Sry to be offensive in saying that you did not believe me.
    In all fairness, i have to agree w/consistency.
    I will explore this further.


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