Feb 5, 2011

Daily Chance Reward Points


If you go to the results tab of the Daily Chance page you will see that for this week the prize for matching 5 balls is 500 Reward Points. If you match 4 balls, it's 37.
This number seems to change often.  Go to the Mafia Wars Wiki Daily Change Page and it's listed as 1000 Reward Points for a 5 ball match but only 8 for 4 balls.
(image from the Mafia Wars Wiki)
Mike Nestor provided a screen shot with the reward bing 333 Reward Points for 5 balls and 7 for 4.
I'm not sure if Zynga changes this number from time to time or if there is a total pool of Reward Points and depending on the number of winners is adjusted to match that.  For more information on the Daily Chance prizes and nerfs read these articles ((1)(2)).  Thanks to Christian for posting the latest Daily Chance rewards on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I got all the numbers...on 3 different tickets T_T

  2. Yeah doesnt matter much I dont know anyone who wins anything worth a damn....been over a year & not a single Lotto Collection Item won

  3. Back in August I won 3 lotto pieces playing the Lost numbers

  4. And remember that Collection items that are supposed to be given on the Daily chance? I play almost every day and I never get any item from the list!

    As far as Reward points are concerned, I'm buying them with a Paysafecard, so I don't worry about it anymore... Whatever the chances are, I'm glad that there are ANY in winning some for free...

  5. Why is the Daily change collection so hard to get. Is it still in beta? Why not get a collection piece when you played a x number of lotto tickets?




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