Feb 5, 2011

SMS Mobile Achievements Via Customer Support


I'm sure many of you know that Customer Support is very good at taking care of your game issues when they are able to do so.  Mista Mafia, one of my mafia members was really upset that there was no way for him to get the SMS achievements as he is not a resident of the US. While dealing with a separate issue he was asked by a Customer Support agent if there was anything else he needed help with. Mista took this opportunity to ask about the SMS mobile achievements (see the bottom of this post for more info on getting these achievements).  He is really glad he did because he was awarded all three achievements.  I included the transcript below this image. Mista said that some of his friends tried this approach and were told they weren't allowed to do this. I don't want to get anyone in trouble so I removed the time and agent name.  I've known Mista Mafia for quite sometime and I know he resides in the UK. I also verified his achievements so this isn't something that could be made up.

[] XXX: Thank you, Mista. It was no trouble at all. Is there anything else I can help you with, regarding Mafia Wars today?
[] Mista: unfortunately there is...sorry
[] XXX: That's okay.
[] Mista: im a player who likes to aim for achievement's in the game, i know that people outside the uk can't get the MS achievement's...is this something that may happen for the uk soon as its very annoying to see achievement's that i have no chance of ever getting
[] XXX: Could you do me a favor and access your Achievements really quick?
[] Mista: SMS achievement's...apologies for my typing
[] Mista: yes no problem
[] Mista: Wow...thank you
[] XXX: You are very welcome, Mista. I take it you saw that you have received them.
[] Mista: i did and i posted them....that is very much appreciated
[] Mista: it was annoying that i could never get them
[] XXX: It was my pleasure, Mista. Other than your last issue, is there anything else I can help you with today?
[] Mista: Your help has been great XXX
[] Mista: thank you so much for it
[] XXX.: You're welcome. It was a pleasure to assist you today. Would you like to help me by filling out a short survey about your experience chatting with me?
[] Mista: i certainly will and it will all be good....thank you again
[] XXX: I would really appreciate it. The survey will appear after you disconnect by clicking the Disconnect button in the chat window, and then the Close button. Have a fantastic day!
[] Mista: TY
[] Mista: u2
[] XXX.: Will do. Take care.
[] 'Mista' disconnected ('Concluded by End-user').

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Awesome, I'm going to try this next time I have a chat. SD

  2. Thanks for posting this Jen....hopefully other will be able to get them too ..Mista :)

  3. got them also, thanks for the info

  4. I just got them too :-))) brilliant thanks for posting this!

  5. I was wondering, if we can get atlantis city outside the US why cannot Zynga let us get the 3 achievements throught At City.

  6. I live in Germany and told support they can see based on my progress in the game (I had 111 achivements from 121)I would get those 3 sms achivements too...if they were available in my country. They just added them to my account! YAY! Those 3 missing achivements were making me crazy so I'm really glad about it. Mista you are legend! :)

  7. got them too :-)))Thanks for posting this Jen

  8. got mine, just said i cant get them uk player and bang 2 mins later my account 3 achievemtn heavier

  9. Wasn't this raised in the Q&A a few days ago ?

    Looks like one of the people who was involved may have actually taken notes.

  10. lets beg for it !? :)
    open up for world ! (119) CET 06:01

  11. Just contacted support and was also given the 3 achievements, thanks for the tip.

  12. Contacted customer support, asked if we could get these through Atlantic City, was told no could not be done, and was given the achievements.

  13. weldone mista, we appreciate your work ^_~!

  14. Thanks for contacting Zynga Customer Support.
    This is Roberto and I want to inform you that unfortunately these Achievements are currently available for US customers only. You can contact your Mobile service provider to see if you can access Mafia Wars Mobile service.
    Please, let me know if you have anymore questions. Thanks for playing Mafia Wars.

  15. I'm sorry,but you can only currently receive the SMS Achievements if you are in the United States. However, the Game Developers are actively working with other phone companies to help make this feature available world wide. I apologize for any inconvenience. As a one time courtesy, I was able to add 5 Gold Treasure Chest Keys to your account.

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  17. CS gave me the SMS achievements two weeks ago in exactly the same way as Mista and I am in the UK too! I think it may depend on the CS representative that you get, mine was really helpful!


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