Dec 14, 2010

Time Capsules


Time Capsules are now here and my sources were 100% correct.  They can be found on the Free Gift page and the same rules that applied to the Super Pignatas are used with the Time Capsules.
To accept Time Capsules, look on your Facebook request page, your Zynga Massage Center or the Get-a-Nator.
You can open up to 5 Time Capsules a day and they will contain the following common, uncommon or rare items.
Common Items
Uncommon Items
Rare Item
Once you accept 5 Time Capsules for the day all other Time Capsules you accept will convert to Mystery Bags.
I was really lucky and got the Suit Up.  Lets take a closer look at this awesome loot item that is rare and in my inventory!  I have a feeling Pistol Pete won't be getting one for a while.  He can look at mine until he does.
I was excited to see the Time Capsules advertised on the new home page. So far there is nothing there and the module that contained the Cake Jailbreak has vanished leaving just 2 pages.
I'm glad to see a gift that's little more fierce than a Super Pignata.  A Time Capsule is still not something I can picture a real life mafia dealing with in their daily activities but Zynga likes adding unrealistic stuff to the game. Here is one last look at the Super Pignata just in case he doesn't come back.  He's been around for a while now and has been more like a cat with 9 lives.   
The Suit Up looks too modern for something one would find in a Time Capsule.  Maybe they should have used that Miami Vice suit from the 1980's instead.  

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Awesome! Got that Armor for the first request, didn't know it was a rare one yet :)

  2. You cannot accept any more free Time Capsules today. You can accept 5 more in 15 hours.

    i got gray wolf after accepting abt 1k pignatas hope this time its not that difficult

  3. How many Suit Up's can you get? Only 1?


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