Dec 13, 2010

Time Capsule Event Coming Soon


According to one of my mafia members, ρĹŏИĜš‡ŌĈҜїИĢ, a new event should be here in 3 hours when the Cake Jailbreak Gifting Event expires.  I was told that it will be similar to the Super Pignatas and we will be able to open 5 Time Capsules a day.  The gift requests will say...

Kaboom! Open this Time Capsule from XXXX and see what's inside. This ticking time bomb must be opened within 48 hours, so open it now.

Here are the stats of the common and uncommon items.

Your Time Capsule contained 1 Bone Carved Pistol (49, 26)!
Your Time Capsule contained 1 Tactical Hatchet (50, 35)!
Your Time Capsule contained 1 Showboat (49, 41)!
Your Time Capsule contained 1 Red Kangaroo (30, 53)!
Your Time Capsule contained 1 Morning Star (28, 51)!
The rare item called the Suit Up will be as elusive as the Gray Wolf.  I don't have the stats yet but here is an early image.  Stay tuned for more information on this event once it begins.

Special thanks to Mr. Sim y0 for the images related to this upcoming event.  Please note this information is not verified but looks pretty accurate to me.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. he he that's simy's pic

  2. it is indeed but Jen asked me if she could use it, inwhich i agreed as she does her best to post all info she can possibly find.

  3. Your Time Capsule contained 1 Suit Up (100, 125)

    One of my mafia sent me a pic of him getting the suit up from me........amazing stats on that thing.

  5. From a friend this morning ;))
    Your Time Capsule contained 1 Suit Up (100, 125)!


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